Thursday, November 29, 2007

Another Day at The Zoo

Today was, as you guessed, another day at the zoo. My son was gone to school for most of the day so he was the least of my concerns. That is, until he came home...I advised him to be quiet because his sisters were asleep and what does he do? He goes outside, stands by my bedroom window, where Sadie is asleep and screams like a girl. Then he takes a Pringles empty canister and proceeds to bang on the porch railing. I wanted to kick his little butt up around his ears. He did all this in the first five minutes that he was home.
Steff has been on an interesting kick today. It consists of something like this...screaming and crying. She has whined for everything she has wanted today. The only moment of peace I got was while she was asleep and that was only for about and hour and a half. Other than that she was in a crabby mood the minute she woke up this morning. I have to admit that her mood has become better and better throughout the day though. Bed time should be soon and that's the moment I look forward to.
Oh, I was gonna post an update about how she was to put to bed last night...she fell asleep well, however, it was in the hallway-again. When I went to put her in her bed she freaked out!!! She started screaming like I was hurting her. I just walked away and ignored her. She fell asleep shortly thereafter.
Sadie has been Sadie today. She was a little ornery when she first got up this morning but I think that was because she was still tired and just wanted to go back to bed. I have a reason for my thoughts on this, she fell asleep in my arms while laying on the couch with me. I put her in bed and she slept for another couple of hours. Other than that glitch in her behavior she was in a great mood all day.

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