Monday, November 19, 2007

Crazy Night

There is nothing else to say about last night other than it was crazy. We went to my sister's birthday party and I had a great time but as usual it was nuts. We are all loud and to someone that isn't used to us, overstimulating...
It's like the movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding only we're Italian, German's...We are loud and louder than each other.
Ryan is grateful his family is on the more mellow side.
Anyway, we came home and I sent Ryan to take a short nap because he was exhausted from cleaning the leaves from our over-grown Maple tree. And, I took care of the kids. Kieran took a bath and Steff watched Sprout...Sadie had gone off to bed with daddy. I had had a three Rum and Cokes so I drank lots of water and ate...
Surprisingly, I feel great this morning. No hip pain and no feeling rough from drinking. But I haven't gotten in to the craziest part of the night yet...
After I woke Ryan up, I crashed out and when I woke up (because Sadie was beckoning for a bottle) it was 1am and Ryan was out in the garage installing a stereo in his truck.
I'm sure our neighbors believe he's on meth...since he is always up into the wee hours of the morning...but that's still not the crazy part, that's pretty normal for him...
After I went to the garage and had a smoke with him I went to bed. Yes, I actually went to our bed and I was sleeping so beautifully until...
Steff came in around 3:30am and woke me up wanting something. Honestly, I can't remember what she wanted all I know is she woke Sadie back up and when I came into the living room she had the tv on and was watching Sprout. I think she came in because daddy just turned on the tv and came to bed. Leaving her to her own devices and she was bored. I can't say that for sure, so I will check with Ryan and get back with you on that. I know she doesn't know how to turn on the tv let alone change the channel-and we hadn't been watching Sprout when I fell asleep...
So, I stayed up with her until 5am this morning, all the while trying to convince her to go back to bed. She did finally go back to bed but I had a hard time falling back to sleep and it wasn't in my wonderful bed it was on the couch again....
I think I finally started dozing off around 6am and Sadie woke up - again...I thought for sure it was for the day since that is usually the time she gets up in the morning. I was thinking today was going to be a baaaad day but somehow she took mercy on her mom and went back to sleep until 7:30 this morning. Oh, how I feel so loved by this little girl for being allowed to catch a little more sleep...
So, as you see it was a crazy night and surprisingly I feel wonderful...

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