Monday, November 12, 2007

Rough Around The Edges

I'm feeling a little rough around the edges. Only getting about 4 hours of broken up sleep will wear on anyone. I know when Ryan gets up I'll get a nap but right now I feel rough. I have drank my fair share of coffee and taken all my meds in hopes of getting the fog to clear out of my head. No such luck, yet. I'm still keeping hope alive though. I'm making my second pot of coffee for the day so it might help.
Science needs to come up with a way to safely tap coffee right into the veins. It would be so much easier to just tap a vein and call it good. Or have some kind of IV that you just plug a bag of strong coffee into each morning. That would be ideal. Of course you'd have to flush the IV several times throughout the day to keep the vein fresh. But, I'm getting into medical details that really don't need to be gotten into...It was just a fantasy any way.
Steff is being particularly good this morning. She has watched Vegetales and now she's onto Nemo. She's been eating honey squares which are actually Honey flavored Teddy Grahams. She calls them "honey squares" because that's one of the things the Barenstein Bears eat. She's so funny.
Sadie is taking her first nap of the day. She was a pretty good girl this morning so I'm hoping she won't do that following you crying thing she does. She only did it once this morning so maybe today she'll be okay with us leaving the room for a minute.
She played with toys this morning and she also figured out that if you bang on the television screen it makes a cool noise. I had to really get on her case for that one. The television is off limits in this house. Next to Ryan's computer, it's his most prized possession. He gets upset when Sadie climbs up and stands at it. We always tell her, "daddy get mad" when she stands at it. She doesn't care and telling her "no" just makes her cry. She's a stubborn one too. She will go back and stand up at the tv a good ten times before she finally finds something else to do. She even signs the word "no" when she does it.
We've been trying to teach her sign language so she will communicate with us. She doesn't talk so we've got to have some way to know what she wants.
It's kind of nerve wracking that she's not talking yet. The pediatrician said that if she's not talking or at least saying little things like, mama, dada, nana, baba and so on by fifteen months he's gonna start getting worried. But, for now he has no problem with it.
I often wonder if her lack of conversation is because she's the baby of the family and everyone talks for her and does everything for her. She's not forced to call for mama and dada cause we always hold her when she makes the slightest squeak. Just something to think about...
The coffee's almost done!!! I'm getting excited for more fresh coffee. I wonder if I'll ever be able to kick my coffee and caffeine addiction and if I'll ever want to...? Neh...I may someday take myself down to less than a pot a day but for now I'll stick with 3 pots a day(I do share these pots of coffee with Ryan and my mom). Maybe it'll just take my kids growing up a little more and being more independent than they are? Who knows? I know for now, drinking lots of coffee works for me...The worst part about drinking so much're teeth turn a shade of brown if you don't use a teeth whitening system. I buy whitener in bulk...Hehehe...
I think the fog is clearing a little. I at least am feeling more awake than I was. Can't be sure what woke me up but for the next few minutes I could actually do something productive.

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