Saturday, November 17, 2007

Completely Bumbed Out

So, I'm completely bummed out...Ryan has to work a ten hour day to pay the bills and be able to provide Christmas for our family...I wish I had a job sometimes so I could go to work and he could stay home and spend time with his kids. I just cried my eyes out before he left because each time I saw him give one of his kid love it just broke my heart to know he had to leave. I can't make it all better and that hurts from a nurturing point of view.
The kids seem to be doing well. They sure wanted to spend time with their daddy though.
Kieran is in a good place. He's being cooperative and sweet and helpful. He's going to his Gram and Gramps today so he won't be going with us when we go out to see dad for lunch. That sorta bums me out because he needs to have more time with his dad.
Steff has been a little turd. I just got done cleaning up a dirt mess from her getting into my plants and playing.
Sadie is still doing that following and crying thing. She's getting a little better but she still wants to be held and loved a lot.
Kieran and I are going to go through a catalog and see what he wants for Christmas so I better go...

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