Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Promotions, Bottles and Visitors

Ryan got a promotion!!! He's been working his tail off and he's been the "go to guy" for a long time and management finally recognized his effort by giving him a fifty cents raise and naming him the "water spider." Which is code for he gets paid to be the "go to guy" now. I am so excited for him and the raise couldn't come at a better time...with Christmas coming and him going to Oakland, Cali for a few days...

Ryan has had a good few days I'd say...He gets a vacation then a raise. This dog is having his day. I'm happy for him. He deserves it...

Steff is off the bottle!!! This is big news...It happened by accident too. I had bought a sippy cup for Sadie in which she detested but Steff thought it was pretty cool. So, this morning when Steff wanted her morning bottle, I couldn't find it and resorted to the sippy cup. She didn't protest much and she didn't drink it either. I thought maybe she'd get hooked to the sippy cup but she doesn't really drink from it much so no worries about that one. She even went down for her nap without any protest or fits for her bottle. I just keep reminding her that she's a big girl now and big girls don't have bottles.

Tonight may be a challenge so everyone keep your fingers crossed and I'll keep you posted on how things go...

My mom's friend Danny has been here for the last several nights but with good reason. His apartment is torn up. He literally has no toilet and his water is off. To top that off, we are hitting some of the coldest temperatures yet this year and his heaters have to have water to heat up. Now, don't go thinking he didn't pay his bill, his water is off because some tree roots grew into the underground pipes and bust them. There's no telling how long the repairs will take but I feel good about doing something nice for someone else.

My step-mom had surgery on her thyroid today. She had three cysts on it that where the same size as her thyroid itself. So she had to have her thyroid removed. I can tell you that it was hard to see her that way. She's usually a spunky go getter.

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