Thursday, August 30, 2007

More Early Morning Ramblings

Okay, at it again, up at 4 in the morning. Hey, I'm learning one can get a lot of quiet things done at this crazy hour even when you feel drained all day long. I figure the time alone and the peace and quiet aren't so bad.
Kieran is doing well, he reports that he loves school. He had this assignment that I believe was more fit to a fifth graders parents than to a fifth grader themselves. Let me give you a sneak peak into this assignment. It was a scavenger hunt and when he told me that was his homework I was excited, fun is what I thought. That was til I was running to Walmart to buy a "post card from a National Monument." Trying to find something with a small flag on it and a patent. You think patents are easy to come by until you need one. I about sent him to school with the small tv in his room that's how desperate I was. He didn't even know what a patent was. Other items included were a library card, a pin, membership card, rule book or badge from the boy or girl scouts, a picture of George W Bush (I don't know about you but we don't just have a picture of good ole George laying around our house, thank God for the internet), a picture of Uncle Sam (again, ode to the internet) and so on the list went with Social Studies topics. Then to top it all off she told them to go to their neighbors for these items! Well, in this sick world we live in with all the violation against children I wasn't about to send him door to door. No way!!! I also told her so in a letter. I made it clear she was out of her mind to even suggest I put my child's safety at risk and I asked her to suit her assignments more to fifth graders than to their parents. I was a bit rude but she was dumb enough to suggest I put his safety at risk. So, if you're wondering if I (and yes, I said "I")got it done...well, no I didn't but darn close. He still has until Friday to turn it in and we only need 2 items: the library card and a boy or girl scout pin, badge, membership card or rule book. His gram has the library card, so I'll be taking a trip to Clearfield for that and Ryan believes his mom still has his boy scout uniform so I'll be taking a trip to Roy for that. I sure hope I get some kind of extra credit for doing this assignment even if it is the satisfaction that Kieran got a piece of candy on my behalf.
Steffanie had a good, fairly whine free day yesterday, it was almost amazing. It was pretty wonderful though now that I think of it. She is talking so much. She grabbed her chin, said "Hmmm" then stuck her finger in the air as if to give that signal like a light bulb going off and said, "I have an idea." Then she said something about making a house. Ryan and I died laughing all six times that she did it. She sings all the time and knows such classics as Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, the alphabet song, parts of Row, Row, Row Your Boat, Sing, Sing a Song and others. It's just too early in the morning to recall. It takes a while for my engine to get going. She really is a darling and wonderful little girl she's just going through that really whinny stage that two year olds experience. I can't say I blame her, she's the middle of three. That's grounds for competition and she has to get her share of attention somehow. She cracks us up on a daily basis with her little comments or actions. I cannot express how adored she is, how much they all are.
Sadie is still crawling and yes, she's trying to pull herself to a standing position now. We haven't had any falls but she doesn't get up far either yet. She still takes a cat nap in the morning in her bouncer, no matter how much I try to get her to do it in her bed. Then she wakes up for food and play time. She plays by herself pretty well but she needs someone in the room with her, she likes people. She also has been enjoying being a held a lot these days and she'll crawl to you to let you know that she wants you to pick her up. We've started trying to teach her sign language with such words as "no," and "more." We taught Steff "more" cuz she wouldn't talk and we wanted to know if she wanted more food or to get down. She picked it up quick and we're hoping for the same with Sadie. I recently finished and am mailing a card that I made to Sprout for her birthday. The tv channel for toddlers(I've mentioned it in previous postings) has a show called The Birthday Show in which they show homemade cards that have been submitted by parents or relatives of the birthday boy or girl. The down side is that they don't show all the cards but I figured I gave it a good shot with Steff so I had to do it for Sadie. The card turned out well, it was simple but well done. I'll let you know if we get it on the air...but that's not until after Oct 18th.
Ryan has been well, as usual, with nothing really new to report. He'll be going in early today so he can work a 14 hour shift in preparation for Labor Day. If he works his overtime and gets it out of the way then he can have the weekend to enjoy. He'll be off Friday, work Saturday and have Sunday and Monday off. I'm excited to have him home for so many days.
I'm doing good, my bursitis hasn't been flaring up too bad and I should be over this gasteral intestinal virus soon. Boy, I do sound good don't I? Ha! But seriously, things are well. Just doing the usual and being happy with my life. I have really enjoyed my children and their antics lately. Kieran is loving and helpful, Steffanie is talkative and funny, and Sadie is busy and sweet. What more could a mother ask for?

As for the family as a whole, we have all, with the exception of Sadie had a the afore mentioned virus with it lasting longer in some and going by quick in others. We don't have any plans as a family for Labor Day but Ryan and I will be going golfing with his dad. We're both looking forward to spending the time together and getting out away from the house and sad to say it, but our kids for a few hours.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Okay, I found the picture of Sadie sleeping in her jumper. I just wanted to take a moment and share this photo since I couldn't find it before.
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Sunday, August 26, 2007


She did it, she picked her belly up off the floor and crawled! Sadie can finally get around, and she does is on her knees. It is so cute and her knees are beginning the callous stage so that makes them red and irritated. Poor girl, it's got to hurt at least a little. We are proud parents and glad she did it but to be a little honest I thought she was gonna look like a little wounded army baby til she picked up and walked. She's now crawling to things and trying to pull up to them so now we're in for a whole new set of tears as she tries and falls on her little face. Something else our little peanut does is fall asleep in her jumper it's the cutest thing. I thought I had a picture of her snoozing in it but I don't, sorry.
I'm up at 4:30 in the morning typing this because I cannot sleep but I figured this would be good entertainment until the kids start waking up. Besides what better to do this early? Any suggestions please email me at because this is a regular occurance and I run out of quiet things to do. One can only play so much Mahjongg...But hey the coffee's on and I should be wired and ready to play in about an hour, 4 cups and half a pack of smokes. I'm kidding on the half a pack of smokes thing but it will be a few.
The rest of the family is doing good with nothing really new to report for anyone. Kieran's still argumentative and 10, if you have a ten year old or you've had one at some point in your life you know what I mean when I simply list his age. If you haven't had one and want the scoop send me an email, I'll fill ya in.
Steffanie is a parrot and into Chitty Chitty Bang Bang these days so I'm going insane listening to such classics as the tittle song itself, The Old Bambo, Posh, Posh Traveling Life and so on and on and on and on it all goes. Sometimes I'd like to get off this ride. But Steffanie does her whinny two year old thing with great charisma and she's a pro too. I can't wait to move from one two year old right into another one. Did ya hear the sarcasm in my voice? It was there I promise.
Ryan is good, his body's been aching a little but I think it's age and that our bodies are completely out of shape. I know how he feels though and I empathize completely. I've never finished my therapy for my car accident so I live in the same pain I believe he talks about.
I never finished because I was suppost to start physical therapy and Sean died so we added Kieran to our house full time. He lived mostly with his dad when he was alive so having him full time required me to put therapy aside for the time and find a groove for our family, then Sadie was born. We have a groove now so it's all about procrastination at this point. I still need to get Kieran and I to the dentist and get him another appointment with his psychologist too. I'm sure Marla (that's Sean mom and she's been such a great friend and mother to me-thanks Marla)will somehow get my butt into gear with getting my business taken care of. She has this gentle yet very good way of reading me and getting me to so the things I need to get done, done. I tried to call on Friday several times but the dentist is closed on Fridays and the other doc wouldn't answer his phone.
So now you've read the ramblings of a sleep deprived mother of three, do you feel a little better about your state of insanity?

Thursday, August 23, 2007

I'm back with more...
Kieran started school, quite successfully I may add. He came home in one peice. The night before school started he was very anxious and ornery but I think that was due to nerves more than not being happy about starting. He said he liked his teacher but the day was boring. He's still doing an excellent job with his chores he even loaded the dishwasher without asking.
Big news about Steffanie that I failed to mention in previous posts...she's off the binky. Yeah, I know she's two but we let her have it because of her little sister. This was a big day for us and it was a lot easier than we thought it would be. She only asked for it about 4 times in 3 days and we haven't heard a word since. She has been a stinker lately, she spilled the salt all over the kitchen and her bedroom and she's just been all around whinny and two-ish. We can no longer watch Madagascar because she picked up the terrible phrase, "shut up." She tells everyone, especially her baby sister to shut up-even when we are just talking or laughing. In spite of all her two-ish antics she's still funny and we have a good time with her. Today we were dancing and she'd say, "stop" so we'd have to stop until she started dancing again. She was telling her dad he was a, "winner" so I made the comment that we were raising a carnie. Ryan just laughed...
Sadie has just started comando crawling to people when she wants to be picked up and she still won't crawl. She has a johnny jump-up in which she will jump up and pick up her legs and just dangle while it bounces and swings. Or, she will jump so high in it that she's jumping out of it for a second. She's been such a joy in our lives. She's a very happy little girl, she just lays and crawls on the floor completely content. She has been eating a whole jar of food each time she eats and we mix it with rice cereal...she's a big eater.
Ryan has been doing well. He just had a meeting with the guy over the apprenticeship program at the OWATC. Ryan's the Apprenticeship Committee Chairman at work so he holds meetings for the members of the committee on each Thursday and he successfully updated the workbook for the program. I helped him with that a little so I can tell you it was quite a feet. Other than that he's been happy and enjoying his children as usual. He gets up every morning and sits on the sofa with Steff on one side and Sadie in his lap. They both get really excited to see him. Of course, so do I.
I am well, nothing new to report. Just trying to keep my wits about me while Steffanie runs around tearing up my house and Sadie does her thing and Kieran gripes about school and homework. I pray for strength a lot through out the day, the Lord keeps me going. I am looking for a part time job just to bring in a little extra cash. It would be nice to have a good Christmas this year.

This is a recent picture of me with my two year old, Steffanie. She got this princess dress from her grandma Cheryl especially for her sisters blessing(in the LDS Church). Daddy wanted a picture of us together and he loved the way this one turned out. Now you have a face to the name.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Just another day...

Wow it's been interesting around here...
Kieran has been preparing for school which starts tomorrow and he's both excited and not. I'm excited for him to start fifth grade I think he will like this year even more than last year. He's excited about the d.a.r.e program they will be participating in in January. He's been going to Classic Waterslides quite a bit and having a good time enjoying the end of his summer. He's growing up so fast...he has been walking to the waterslide and back, with friends of course, but he's been set free to be a little more grown up. He's also been to the rodeo with his gram and he fell asleep if you imagine that's possible. He's been doing his chores without griping and has been saving the money he earns from them to buy an airsoft riffle and pistol set. Apparently they are camouflaged or so he says. We went and got his fohawk yesterday and I like it. It's kind of like a mohawk but not so obnoxious and it can be combed to a nice flat style for times when spiking it up is not appropriate.
Steffanie has been a stinker, the other day she escaped out the front door and I found her in the road playing in the gutter. I just about died. We live on a quiet street but once in a while we get the idiot who thinks they need to drive like a jerk so all I could think was how tragic this all could have been. One day she was on a spilling kick, she dumped out her sisters rice cereal and proceeded to play in it and then she dumped out the sugar container. She kept pulling all the stuff off the counter she could see. Then, to top it all off somehow she got a hold of my razor and tried to shave her legs which again could have been tragic but she only knicked her leg a little, not even enough to bleed really. She's been more complacent the past day or so and it's been a break on my nerves that's for sure.
Sadie has been eating really good, we had a hard time there for a while. We had to get her to laugh so we could put it in her mouth. That was a pain in the back side but those times are over (for now anyway). She threw her first temper tantrum; I didn't see it but Ryan told me she was laying on her stomach and kicking her legs and flalling her arms all the while screaming. He said it was pretty funny and I've seen it since and it is pretty funny to see. She can crawl but she still prefers the comando crawl as her dad puts it. She had her grandma and grandpa Marquart laughing on Saturday. She gets some good movement out of it and she's in the kitchen or headed out the front door before we know where she took off to.
Ryan and I have been doing well and I've decided he's my own personal romance novel. He's that loving and wonderful and exciting. We spent Sunday cutting up a tree that fell in our yard. We were blessed enough that it fell away from our house instead of on it. Ryan decided he wanted to cut back this huge tree we have in our front yard and he had to get on the roof to do it. I got up there with him for a few minutes and realized how dangerous it was having him up there so I made him cut back the minimal amount and get down. I don't know what I would have done if anything had happened to him. My world would have crushed. I love him so much it hurts but I'm smart enough to be good to him and keep him close.
Well those are the latest happenings in my family. I hope you enjoyed reading about our adventures, I'll be back when more interesting things have happened and as you see, it shouldn't be too long...

Monday, August 13, 2007

Let's try this again...I just deleted everything I wrote. I don't know how long this will be since my daughters are waking up and that means it's time to start my day.
Kieran had a great weekend...he went to Cherry Hill on Saturday with his grandma and cousins. It was their end of summer bash. They had Kentucky Fried Chicken for dinner and watched a movie too. Their grandma(Kieran's dad's mom) is such a doting and fun grandma and she can keep up with the kids better than any one I can recall. He's looking forward to school which starts on Aug 22nd. He's going into the 5th grade and I'm a young mom but he's starting to date me. Soon he'll be in junior high and then I'll start feeling old.
Steff has been a little stinker lately. She runs in the back door and out the front door before you can get in and try to side track her into something else. She really loves to be outside and play. She scares us, especially with all the kids that get ran over by their own parents. We try to keep the front door locked cuz she generally can't get out the back. She has also been saying some funny things. She tells her dad, "that's right daddy." We have to just laugh when she comes up with things like this. Yesterday I watched Madagascar at least 7 times and it's already on the tv today. She wanted to watch, "cartoons."
Sadie is so close to crawling! She gets up on her knees and either moves her legs or her arms but never together. Tonight we are going to their cousins first birthday party and he crawls so hopefully she'll see someone her size doing it and figure it out for herself. We've tried crawling to show her how and she doesn't get it so I'm really hoping someone her size can give her what she needs. Besides I'm sure we look mighty silly crawling around. I took her to the doctor on Friday and she weighed in at 18 pounds and was 26.4 inches tall. She is in the 5th percentile for her height and the 30th for her weight. So, she's short and chubby but all my babies where chubby little sqirts.
Ryan was a busy character yesterday. He mowed our 1/2acre lawn and shined all the faucets and get this, the vacuum. He put together a shelf for me and vacuumed the cracks and corners of the entire house. He's a busy man and he's so helpful. It will be good for our daughters to see their dad help with house work because then they will expect nothing less from their husbands.
I am doing well, still taking my meds and doing everything I can to keep up with my busy family. I love my life and wish everyone could have the oportunity to stay home and be a homemaker. I know our children will benefit greatly and that makes it all worth it.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Friday, August 10, 2007

Always a little crazy

So here I sit, crazy...Yeah it doesn't take much with a 10 year old boy, and 2 girls ages 27 months and 9 and 1/2 months...If there was ever a need to have meds I found it. I love my children but they keep me busy and you'd think that would keep me from having time to be crazy but it doesn't. So happens it works the other way around. Who knew? Let me tell you a little about my family, I'll try to keep it interesting just so you don't fall asleep.
First off I have a 10 year old boy, Kieran. He is just that, 10 and I thought 2 was bad but at this age he has a mind of his own and I wonder what in the world makes him think that way? He's my first and there are 7 years between him and his sister so he's been the "experimental child." I have no idea what I'm doing but he seems happy and healthy. I should mention that a year ago he lost his father to natural causes at the age of 34. He is doing well and grieving in a healthy way, we have him in therapy and his doctor says he's doing a good job at healing. Just recently he started calling my husband of three years "dad," which was very pleasing to me since he needs to feel a part of this family. In spite of everything he's dealing with he's an active guy, he loves sports and he's good at them too. He's also smart and funny with a very sweet heart and a love for his sisters that surpases anything I've ever seen before. He drives me crazy but so do his sisters, they just take turns doing it. And, once in a while they gang up on me. He's a handsome little guy with wavy, sandy blonde hair and green eyes and dark skin. His latest expression of autonomy is that he wanted his hair bleached. And we did it, it actually turned out good. It was just highlights but it looks good with his hair color. Next is a hair cut called a "fo-hawk" whatever in the world that means or looks like.
I have a 27 month old daughter, Steffanie, she is her age, 2 and she's smart. I know I sound like one of those parents who oogle over their perfect children. Trust me, by no means are they "perfect," perfect terrors at times and once in a day I have's called nap time. It's also my nap time. They wear me out. Back to Steff...She is a pistol if ever there were one. She loves to run around (literally) and play. She also likes to color and her new favorite movies are Cinderella 2 and Madagascar. If you know what a child her age is like then you know I watch one maybe both of these movies several.......times a day. She also likes to watch Sprout. Sprout is a PBS channel for toddlers which is great but they show the same six episodes of all the shows over and over. I understand that children her age find peace and safety in repitition but I have yet another reason to take my meds. It's said that tv is bad for kids but let me be honest and say she has learned a lot from watching tv. Including the dreaded monsters...I have to remind her that Elmo and Zoe are monsters and they are happy and not scary. She's a cute little girl with dark Italian skin, hazel eyes and curly dark hair. When you hear what my other daughter looks like you'll wonder if their from the same litter and they are...
Last but not least is our little peanut, Sadie. She was a month early and weighed in a whopping 4lbs 5oz. She was perfect, just little and we were able to take her home without any time in the NICU. We were blessed with that for sure. She is blonde (and I mean very blonde, bleach blonde) with dark blue eyes and very fair skin. She's a little sweet heart but she's not lazy or lethargic at all. She's just genuinely a very mellow, happy baby which is a far cry from the colic we had for the first 4 months of her life. She has 8 teeth and is so close to crawling that each time she gets on her knees I get excited that this might be the time she does it. She is a people person and loves to be held, she likes kisses and once in a while when you make the kissy sound she will open her mouth and come toward you to give you a kiss. She's a little one, she still wears 6month clothes, now you see where we get the name "peanut." She's the sweetest makes me want to go her and give her kisses all over.
I must now tell you about my world, my husband Ryan. He is the greatest guy. He's very even tempered and loving. He is also the best dad. I knew he'd be a great daddy but to see him in action just melts my heart. He is very playful with our kids and he shows them that he loves them and me. When he comes home from work he comes right to me and gives me attention before he ever gives our kids any. We both read that this was the best non-verbal way he could show them that I was important. I cannot begin to express how much in love with this man I am. I can explain what a great provider he is. He works overtime so that I can stay home with our three children and raise them with the love of a stay at home mom. He is the best blessing I have ever received, next to my salvation of course. He's loving and fair and he's a hard worker. He has the most excellent work ethic. He's a handy guy too with a drive that keeps him busy doing things around the house. There isn't anything he can't fix and if he gets stumped he asks for help. I love this man so very much.
That's pretty much the skinny on my famliy. From time to time I will be back to update you with the latest and greatest of my children. I'll try to keep it interesting and upbeat so as not to bore anyone to tears.