Wednesday, November 7, 2007

A Rough Night, An Early Morning

It was a rough night. Steff took a really long nap yesterday and didn't get up until quarter to eight. I just let her sleep because she's been so sick. I knew this would make for a late night but I didn't realize how late.
Not only was she still awake at midnight, she crashed on the couch and had to be woke up to go to bed which only made her cry to watch television. Ryan gave in and let her watch Sprout. But, I called the shots. She was allowed to watch Elmo's World and then she had to go to bed. She wasn't too thrilled but she went. And, she went right out.

I tried to hang in there with her last night but shortly after midnight I crashed on the floor and when I awoke sometime around 3:30am she was asleep on the sofa and Ryan was just getting home from work.

Then Sadie woke me up for a bottle at 5:15am and I couldn't go back to sleep. So, here I sit blogging to my heart's desires are met. I, of course have my coffee close by and have had my morning smoke. I feel pretty good in spite of the little amount of sleep I was lucky to catch.

Today is grocery shopping day and I'm not looking forward to it. Each time we go I end up in pain. Or, should I say more pain than usual...All that walking around really bugs my bursitis.
It also just flat wears me out. When we get home and get all the groceries put away, I eat and that's pretty much the end of anything left I have. I usually take a nap while the girls are napping because it's so exhausting.

Today I fear, grocery shopping is going to be an extra challenge since my sleep schedule was messed with in such a severe way. I know I'll be okay but boy am I gonna be pooped. I'm sure it's going to really wear the girls out too. They have both been on the sick side. Steff more than Sadie but both none-the-less.

Speaking of being sick. Steff has been sick for over two weeks. It started out with a reaction to her flu shot but it then moved into diarrhea and from there in to this nasty cold she can't seem to kick. I believe she has a sinus infection. Her snot(sorry to talk about this for those of you with weak stomachs)has been very stringy and bright green.

Not only have I taken her to see a doctor, I have called the pediatrician and all they said to do was give her nasal enemas, her cough medicine and alternate tylenol and ibuprofen for her fever. Grrr...I don't like it when they don't listen to you. I think today I'll call and make her an appointment with her regular pediatrician so he can check her out. I know I already took her and the doc said she just has a cold and that they sent her throat culture off to a lab to be tested for strep throat but I feel there is something going on. She has just been sick for too long and I'm really starting to worry about her.
It's like she will appear to be getting better and then she'll run a high fever again and just lay around. The part that makes me the saddest is when she tells me, "it hurts." When she says this it's usually when she's running a high fever and being lethargic. I figure she's having the body aches and that's the only way she can express to me what she is feeling. I just don't know what to do anymore. I have even tried to give her baths to break her fever but usually she won't go for it and I have tried to force her but all she does is stand in the bathtub and scream that she doesn't want to take a bath.

Sadie is up now and she's being pretty good, of course, she can see me and knows where I am so she's not crying. I did leave the room to make her a bottle and she flipped. I was hoping today would be the day that she'd outgrow this clingy stage. It appears that that is not going to happen today.

1 comment:

Veronica Foale said...

UGH! The American medical system bugs the heck out of me.

If Steff has high temps and bright green snot then she has an infection!

Please please ring the Ped again and really push for her to be seen. She probably needs antibiotics to kill the infection. Amy had something similar a few weeks back and she was like a different baby after a day on antibiotics.

I know how you feel about being annoyed when they won't listen to you, but if he won't listen then you need to bug him until he does.