Sunday, November 11, 2007

The Fight is Extinguished

We had a fight...As if from my last blog you couldn't tell. I learned that Ryan believes I don't do anything on the weekend and that he does most of the cleaning...I also learned that I do clean during the week...All of this is a bit strange to me since I know I do dishes on the weekend because I cook good meals because Ryan is home. So, to tell me he does it all on the weekend urks me...Oh, well. I'll let him live in his fantasy world.
One last thing on that whole thing...I know I do just as much cleaning as he does because in spite of it being Sunday, it's the day we really get down and dirty cleaning the house.
Oh...I also learned I'm a horrible person. I was told so. I don't think anyone warrants being told they're horrible but I guess I am. The sad part is that I just came out of this rotten depression and then the very next day I hear I'm horrible. That really helped my confidence in life.
I should do what I was advised to do...Think of my secret sister and say a prayer for her each time life seems to be all about me.
I just said a nice little prayer for my secret sister and I feel better. Amazing how thinking of someone else makes you feel like a better person.

I came to a discovery...I'm out of my Allegra. It came to me why my nose is all stuffed up and I can hardly breath. I suffer from serious allergies and the Allegra really helps keep them at bay. If you ask me, I think I'm allergic to dust. I don't know for sure because I've never had allergy testing but to just live and breath bugs my allergies. Oh...that doesn't even begin to go into what happens when I clean. Whew, what a nightmare.

Today has been a pretty poopy day all in all. It's raining and icky outside and Ryan and I had such a serious blow out. And, over what? How each of us cleans house. That's it. It doesn't matter that we both put in our fair share, one of us doesn't do enough and it just depends on which of us you ask...
Actually, I got mad at Ryan for moving my stuff because he said it was a cluttered mess and I knew right where everything was. He doesn't think something that looks messy can actually be perfectly functional. He doesn't believe that I can have a mess and know right where everything is. I on the other hand, know that this is possible. I do it all....the time.

The kids have been good today.
Steff danced to the music Ryan played for about 2 hours and she also watched Nemo and Vegetales over and over. We did watch a little Sprout but not much. She has been quite a good girl. When it was nap time we let her know and she just went in her room and crawled up on her bed...and, fell fast asleep.
Sadie has had a pretty good day too. She's done minimal crying when we've left the room and she crawled around and played. She was really cute when Ryan was playing his music and she really loved dancing with daddy.
Kieran has had a good day also. He played with Nick for a few hours and then Nick had a friend come over so Kieran came home to spend time with his family. He didn't used to enjoy doing that and he used to have to be entertained all the time but he's grown up so much over the last little while.
I am not doing so bad, in spite of being told I'm horrible. That was rough and I have to keep reminding myself he only said it to hurt me. Mission accomplished but he didn't really mean it.
Ryan is groveling...He keeps telling me to please forgive him for saying I'm horrible and that he didn't really mean it, he was just very mad and wanted to "win." I advised him that bruises go away but words can never be taken back...
Soon, we will be making dinner and then going over to great grandpa and grandma's for grandpa's birthday. It should be a good time and it's always nice to see grandpa and grandma.

1 comment:

Veronica Foale said...

(((hugs))) I hope tomorrow is better.