Sunday, November 18, 2007

What A Good Day

Today is a great day so far.
The kids have been pretty good.
Steff was a stinker and got into one of my plants but she has been cooperative outside of that...
Sadie has been taking a long nap which is kind of odd but good since she usually only takes a 45 minute one.
Kieran still isn't home but he should be soon.
My mom went to work so she could have the day after Thanksgiving off.
Ryan is painting the window seal in the kitchen and he and I have been just chattin each other up. That's nice. We don't have a whole lot of time to just be...together.
So instead of sittin here blogging I should be spending the time with my wonderful husband...
Tonight around 5 we are going to my sister's house to celebrate one of my other sister's birthday. It should be a good time...It usually is when we all get together.
I read something about the average amount of conversation that married couples have in a week and get this it's only 17 minutes of conversation on an average........
Kieran just got home. It's time to spend time as a family....

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