Thursday, November 8, 2007

So Much for Sleep

This morning started awfully early. . .
You see Ryan came home at 3:30 and woke me up to go to bed because I was on the sofa-again. But, instead of sleepily going to bed I went outside in the brisk cold to have a smoke. All that accomplished was waking me up.
So, I came back in and watched a little television and talked to Ryan for about 45 minutes. Then he went to bed and I stayed up debating whether or not I could go back to sleep or if I should get on my computer and blog some news.
Well, 5:00 rolled around and Sadie woke up for the day. Then I hear Steff at 5:30. So, both girls are up and it's not even 6am yet.
What an early day this started out as, so much for sleeping and catching up on the sleep I lost the night before.

Last night was a good night for Sadie, she actually had a period of time where she did that thing she used to know, crawling around playing peacefully instead of following you around crying...I was even able to leave the room and not hear the scream of her little (yet loud) voice box.

Steff actually ate dinner last night. I think it's the first time in a week that she has actually eaten. I have only given her bottles for days because that's all she wanted. I know she shouldn't be on a bottle but if she weren't she would have starved herself for a good week straight. So, judge if you wish but I'm glad I've had the bottle to give her some nutrition.

Kieran went to bed early again last night. He crashed out on the floor by 8:00 so I woke him up to take his meds and go to bed.
Poor kid must be wearing himself right out at school.
The night before last he went to bed at 7:00. I'm glad he gets enough sleep at night. He probably wouldn't have such a good report with his teacher if he had a lack of sleep.

Last night Ryan did the sweetest thing...He called at about 6 to see how I was doing...He just wanted to check on me he said.
He knew I had only a few hours of sleep the night before so he wanted to make sure I was okay and not dying. Not that he could have done anything if I hadn't been okay but at least he was thoughtful enough to check on me.

I am so excited for this afternoon...I get my nails done. I have been trying to do things without them and it's not an easy fete. I haven't had nails for about a week now and it's driving me bananas.

This morning my hips are bothering me and so it my sciatic nerve. I thought I'd be pain free today but that's not the case.
I really did believe that at least my sciatic nerve would be okay because I barely noticed any discomfort at all yesterday. I was almost completely pain free yesterday.
I have feeling today is going to be a rough day though. Especially if it's started out this way. eyes are burning so I have a feeling that no matter the amount of coffee I drink I'm going to be running around in a fog today.

I have gotten the greatest book(well, next to the Bible)ever written-The DSM-IV...I have been reading about such things as bipolar disorder and tourette syndrome, both of which affect our family. I am bipolar and Kieran has tourette's syndrome. These disorders are very interesting and both can be quite complex.
I have read what tics are and what kind of tics Kieran can have associated with his disorder. I learned that his repetative question asking is part of his disorder and that his eye deviation is also a tic associated with tourette syndrome. I learned that tics can appear to be purposeful and meditated but in actuality they are involuntary.
It's so interesting to read about how disorders are diagnosed.
Ryan wanted to know what use I had for a diagnositc manual and I told him that eventually I will go into the same field as the rest of the family and that having this manual would be beneficial. Not to mention it's fun to read about our families disorders from a diagnostic view point.

Well, I better stop blogging because at this point it's going to be pointless rambling. I hope everyone has a blessed day. Thanks for reading...


The Kelstroms said...

I love that your favorite book, next to the Bible is the DSM-IV. You crack me up. I wonder if you will become like my mom and diagnosis

Veronica Foale said...

You did start your day early!

Glad Sadie was okay for a bit, Amy is at the moment sitting inside (inside!?) her toy box playing.

Hey who am I to argue?