Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Coffee Crisis

I just had a coffee crisis...
Sadie was sitting on my lap at my p.c. and my coffee was sitting to the left of us. It was out of her reach but the desk calendar was not...
She pulled on the calendar and it pushed my coffee right off the desk!!!
So, not only did she spill my coffee, (which is a sin in and of itself) she spilled it all over the place. I have coffee splashed on my files and my books and all over my carpet!!!
I was so upset, yet I was mad at myself because I knew better than to set it down where I did.
Oh well, what do ya do? Like I can really discipline my one year old over something she doesn't even understand that she did. I guess I'll just go brew some more coffee because it was the second to last cup in the carafe.

Oh, boy!!! Sadie is still in that "pick me up" crying mode. I am so frustrated with it because I can't get anything done.
I'm not usually one to give in to crying like this but she follows you around crying until you pick her up. She doesn't just sit in one spot, she literally follows you places until you pick her up.
I have tried just sitting on the floor with her and when she seems okay, getting up to do something but the crying just starts again.
I have tried making sure she isn't wet, dirty, hungry, feeling icky...the whole battery of things that could be wrong, I have checked...
If anyone has any ideas, please send me a comment or drop me an email. I just don't know what to do anymore.

Steff is getting better. She had a fever of 100.7 today, but that's the highest it went. It went away with a little ibuprofen. The reason I say she's getting better in spite of having a little fever is because she was back to her antics of destroying my house again. She pulled all the toys out and dumped them out of their baskets, dumped all the diapers out on the living room floor and her appetite is back.
She did have one period of time where she might not have been feeling too well because she fell asleep on the couch for about 30 minutes. Her nose is still very stuffy so she snores like mad but her cough sounds productive. Her cough medicine really helps her out a lot.
I'm glad their is a cough syrup she can have. Especially with all the controversy on over the counter cold and cough medicines for children under six. So, if you're a parent and need some kind of cough syrup for your kids, take them to the pediatrician and ask for a cough medicine. I did and I'm glad I did. I figured they tell me that there wasn't any safe enough for kids but that wasn't the case.

Kieran is out playing and ignoring his duties...his duties include unloading the dishwasher, taking out the trash, doing his homework and reading for 20 minutes a day. He doesn't have a whole lot to do but he also gets paid to do them. He is so funny because he's had the same chores for months now and each time I tell him to do his chores he asks me what they are but if I try to tell him that cleaning the toilet and doing the dishes are part of them he tells me what his chores are. So...he asks in spite of knowing what they are. It's like he's seeing if I'm going to forget and he'll get away with not doing them...I wonder if that's really what's going on in his mind?

Ryan was in a great mood again today. He is planning on working 40 hours of overtime for his next paycheck. I am so lucky to have a man that is such a great provider. I don't know where he gets his drive but he has it. I wish I could have the work ethic he has and I definitely want to pass it on to our children...
Last night Ryan and I had a conversation about money but it wasn't bad it was interesting. We talked about the different ways we both grew up and what lessons we learned about money from the way we were raised. He learned to be a penny pincher and I learned to be a spend thrift. He heard about money over and over and I was given money pretty much whenever I wanted it with doing chores and earning it.
It's amazing how what we see and learn as children affects us as adults. But, what is really crazy is when you're old enough to see the patterns. I didn't see any patterns until I was in my mid to late 20's. Maybe I'm a slow learner but that's what happened...

My mom is doing well. She is getting over her cold and bronchitis pretty well. She still gets pretty worn out by the end of the day. Especially when she has to work and not so much on the weekends when she can just relax. I have her in my prayers and I have my children in them as well. I'm praying my kids don't get bronchitis.

1 comment:

Veronica Foale said...

Oh no! Not the coffee! Even though I don't drink the stuff.

Glad Steff and your mum are getting better.