Friday, November 23, 2007

No Black Friday for Us

We decided, with the help of our finances, to stay home on this Black Friday. We really couldn't have gone out anyway. My mom, and hence my babysitter, stayed at a friends house last night so she wasn't home to help take care of the girls when they awoke this morning and, I have a strong feeling about how waking your children to go shopping is completely wrong. I don't care if other's do it but I won't...
I feel like I have to defend my parenting after some of the accusations that have been sent my way. I'm actually quite irritated that my parenting has been put under fire. I know I addressed this yesterday in my blog but I still feel pretty sick that my parenting was even questioned.
Oh...well, can't make everyone happy all the time.
Yesterday turned out to be a good day. Ryan and I both felt that it just didn't have that "Thanksgiving" feel...Neither one of us could be sure why but we just didn't feel that it was Thanksgiving. It was just like going to mom's for dinner. It was still a great day of family and the feeling was wonderful but it just wasn't as we remembered it as kids. Or as a family for that matter. Maybe it's because we weren't a whole family. Kieran had gone with his Gram and Gramps to his aunts house for the big feast so we didn't have all our kids to experience the holiday with.
I felt very good about my decision to let Marla have Kieran. The way I see it, if Sean were still alive I'd have to share Kieran anyway so why keep him from that part of his family for big events? It's just not right.
This morning has been uneventful. Sadie and I got up at 6:30 and hung out together until 8 when we went in and got Ryan out of bed. Notice I didn't say "wake up" I said "out of bed"? I say this because as I type he's sawing logs on the couch. I wish he'd wake up but I have a feeling it won't be for a while. It usually takes at least 2 hours to get him up when he does this. Then, he's still a zombie for another 2 hours before he starts to realize he's wasting his day.
We both came to a realization...I crash on the couch in the evening and he does it in the morning. I have to be honest, it bugs me to no end but there is no reasoning with him or getting him up until he's ready. It sucks. The whole reason I got him up was to spend time with him and knowing it's going to take 4 hours before he can really even open his eyes is irritating. Not to mention, I have to take care of the kids by myself. I think he's even able to get me up at night and take care of kids but he doesn't cooperate at all.
Poor Steff, she just came in and crawled on the couch to spend time with her daddy and, when she told him to wake up, he shushed her. Poor thing just wants to sit and watch Sprout with her daddy.
She also just got out of bed. It was funny because I went in to wake her up and she layed in her bed for 30 minutes before she emerged from her bedroom. It was kinda cute.
Well, I have mail to send out and things to do so I'm sure I'll be back with more stuff later...

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