Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Just Things About Today

It's been an interesting and busy morning for me. I woke up at 7am only to call my mom and wake her up. She was suppost to call me at 7 and wake me up but she slept through the call time. So, I did the calling. Kieran was getting ready for school and Steff was watching tv. Sadie was patiently waiting to be taken out of her crib. So, I had the girls up and watching television and Kieran going off to school. Not a bad moment.
Then at 8:30 Rex had an appointment at the groomers so I had to wake Ryan up to come and watch the girls while I ran him down to Petco. When I got there the guy told me he'd only take a half an hour but Ryan needed to go back to bed. He went back to bed when I got home and Steff shortly followed with the whole going to sleep thing. Which was good because when I went to get Rex I didn't get Ryan back up, I just went in and told him that Steff was asleep and Sadie was watching tv. He stayed in bed with the door open so he could hear any crying and get up to see what was going on.
When I finally got home from picking up Rex, Sadie was still in the exact same spot as when I left. She was standing on the cushion less couch and jumping. I know what you're thinking...I left her on the couch!!! But you have to understand that the couch had no cushions and therefore she can climb up and down with ease and not fall. She loves to stand on the couch and she knows how to get down when it does have the cushions on it. It's pretty cute to see her turn around and lower her little feet down to the ground.
I'm feeling pretty good, very little pain. I slept wrong the other day while I was holding Rex and it hurt the middle of my back so that's the only place that's really uncomfortable. I have been doing really well lately but I believe it's because I've had Ultram's. Little miracle pills is what Ryan and I call them. They work so well and you don't get that narcotic feeling. It's wonderful...

Monday, January 28, 2008

Read Family Blog

I have published a new segment of our family on www.krazyfamily.blogspot.com

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Today has been a decent day. I have been feeling all right considering I don't have any pain meds of any sort. I'm so sick of having back problems but I have been using my faith as a crutch. I think it's working because the pain isn't as bad as it could be. Of course, I've been sitting on a heating pad since I got out of bed too. That has been helping.
The girls are being pretty good. Steff has been imaginatively playing with various toys and Sadie is roaming around the house picking everything off the floor and eating it.
Today Ryan and I have an appointment with a financial group that claims their goal is to educate and not necessarily sell anything but, we'll see. We can't afford to buy life insurance at least not the coverage that we know we need. I know and we know we need it especially after Sean died and we saw what it was like to loose someone so abruptly.
I go see doctor Meyer today to get a cavity filled. I hate getting them filled. It's not so much that I hate the filling part, it's the feeling numb for a long period of time.
Sadie is in by the puppy ripping up his paper and of course she's eating it. As mean as it is we call her the garbage disposal because she eats everything. I do mean everything. It's sort of funny but somewhat annoying.
Kieran was excited that he started his new meds today. I advised him that these one's would not make him sick so it'll be interesting to see how he does today. He's a mind over matter kind of kid. If he thinks something bad will happen then he pretty much makes it happen. I wish I could help him have a more positive outlook on life. His Gram brought something up on the phone last night that I hadn't really thought about. She mentioned that the next time he sees Kluthe I should ask what to do when he makes up his mind in a negative way. Like seeing some snowboarders wrecked and then he was afraid to go down the mountain and he did end up hurting himself. Not bad, just a bruise on his knee but he made it seem a lot bigger than the bruise said it was. He just worries so much and it's so frustrating that he's this kid with the mind and actions of an adult.
Oh...I'd like to lay down and take a nap. Don't get me wrong I actually got a decent night of sleep but how nice it would be to lay these bones down and knot off. I think I'll study my Bible instead but I don't know ....

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The Mad House

I had my first therapy session today and it went very well. I learned that the reason I spend money is to control something when I'm feeling out of control. I just need to find things to calm myself down and bring myself back into a safe level of control. I can't be too in control or I'll hit a manic phase of my disorder but I can't be too low or I'll be in a depressed state of that same disorder. Also known as Bipolar. . .another ungly word that is part of my life. I do okay but I want to change certain parts of myself. I'm proud of myself for taking the initiative and getting the help that both I need and my budget needs.
The kids are being hyper tonight. The puppy does that to them. Of course, they in turn make him hyper too. Oh, how I long for bedtime. I know it won't be for a few hours yet since Steff took a nap but I can hope and pray and learn to deal with the way things are. I wonder though, where is Steff going to decide she wants to sleep? It's getting to be very out of control...
Oh, the stomping that is going on because the kids are trying to get the dog to bark. It's amazing that my floor doesn't just collapse. . .
The potty training is going well with the dog. He has these pads that are designed for him to potty on and he does a good job at using them. I'm quite the proud little parent. It's not going to be easy to get him used to going outside but come spring he's gonna be learning a new set of tricks.

Up For The Day

It's almost 7 and I've been up for an hour after a long night and lots of wake ups. I'm feeling exhausted. Today is also grocery day so it's going to be a long day. The only good thing is that I will get my Ultram filled today. They are non-narcotic pain killers and they're little miracle pills. They get rid of the pain without the side affects of narcotic type pain killers. You know, tired, dizzy the whole gambit. They are nice, I'd recommend them for anyone who has chronic pain. Cuz folks, let's face it, I have chronic pain...Nothing sounds like such a death sentence as hearing yourself say you suffer from "chronic pain," Yuck.
Steff is up and being very difficult this morning. I've had to cover her up with her blanket a half a dozen times. I think it's about time she learned how to do that herself...what do you think? I know you agree with me. She's such a spoiled little child, all my kids are. Don't get me wrong we are fairly strict parents and we restrict what they are allowed to do and it will get worse as they get older and the temptations get greater but, they are spoiled. We do a lot of things for them. A lot of things they should be doing for themselves.
Kieran probably didn't get a very good night of sleep...he slept by the dog and each time I woke up he was whining to get out. So, the poor kid's gonna wanna sleep in his own bed tonight.
Right now Rex is in a playful mood. He's tearing up the newspaper in his pen and playing with his toys. I like it when he's like this but I like the little lap puppy much better. Okay, now he's barking...Not sure what at, but he is. Little stinker. Good thing Kieran gets up in fifteen minutes. Then I can check to see if he pottied on his paper and if he has he can come out and roam around and play in the living room but for now, I think I'd be rotten if I went and flipped on the light to see, with Kieran in there asleep and all.
Ryan said he had a long night at work and that he just felt stiff all night. I told him that I completely understood and that I sympathized with him. I do feel bad when he says he feels that way. I wish I could make him feel nice and good but I can't and it makes it hard. When you love someone this much it hurts you when they hurt. But, there is nothing I can do for him and I share my pain meds with him when he needs them but when they are gone, they are gone...And, let's face it folks, the Ultram doesn't last forever. I wish it did but it doesn't.
I'm feeling quite beat up this morning but I'm sure it's because it was a rough night. I already blogged about some of the events when I was up at 3:45am because Ryan thought it was social hour at that beautiful time. Butt head...I love seeing him when he comes home but some nights it's very hard to fall back to sleep. I have to take one Ambien before bed and then another in the middle of the night. They usually don't last much longer than a couple of hours so if I get a couple hours of sleep I feel good but last night when I took the second one I didn't get that couple of hours of sleep that they require to wear off so here I sit, feeling exhausted...but that's only the half of it. You see, if I don't get a good night of sleep my body feels it. I need that re coupe session for the sake of my back....Or else, it's a pain day.
I read something the other day about pain ravaged bodies and how to look forward to the Everafter...I really do look forward to the days and nights and eternity when my body doesn't feel the car accident and the babies I carried anymore. Those will be the good times....
I did get another injection into my other hip the other day and thus, I have no pain in my hips, it's just my back. After that car accident I was in I haven't been the same since. I get very tense muscles that muscle relaxers don't touch and that massage therapy appointments are too expensive to get. I know it should be the responsibility of the other driver's insurance but I'm not sure how to get appointments where they pay for it. The last time I went to a massage therapist and the Chiropractor was right before Sean died but since I have just been in to see Dr. E. and get back adjustments from him. My insurance covers most of the cost when I have him do it but they wouldn't if I went and saw a Chiropractor. Sounds like garbage to me but that's just the way it works.
Steff is laughing and playing with Rex now. I didn't get him out but he's barking and jumping at her and she is laughing and loving it. It's actually quite cute. She just told me, "funny." Boy, is he barking up a storm and all the while she is laughing like mad. It's great, I wish it wasn't this early but it's cute none-the-less.

Up at Three

Ryan came home and decided he'd missed me so he woke me up and thus, here I sit, wide awake and confused about the events of this night. You see, Kieran slept in the dining room next to the puppy, who, at this point is being quiet after a mid-night whine session. Steff is sleeping on the couch and not to soundly I might add. She has woke up several times tonight and each time she wants a different show on tv. Sadie just fell back to sleep after a bought of sleeplessness and Ryan should be off to lala land anytime. I am sitting her blogging. It's now ten to four and I can't sleep. I really don't have much to blog about since I do most of my blogging on the family blog but none-the-less, here I sit.
I have been walking with the Lord more since I went to church. I came to the harsh realization that I hadn't been giving Him my all. That I was exhisting for my own personal gain. I feel terrible but I also know that because of His love for me I'm forgiven and I don't intend to repeat the offense. Glory to God in the highest is what I want to say. He gives all things and takes all things. I am so happy that I have Him in my corner. If God is for me, who can be against me? A rhetorical question really, I mean, think about it. . .when you have the Most High on your side things can't be any better. There is no famine, worry, self-indulgence, you are purified in Him. There isn't much else I can say about the love I know God has for me but I do have to admit that I like it when he gives me gentle reminders about who He wants me to be rather than the harsh ones that teach the truth through trials. Don't get me wrong all the lessons He teaches me are well learned, maybe still repeated, as I am human and that just makes us stupid by default but all lessons are well learned. Sometimes the harsh one's are the ones that stick the most. I just try to remember he does everything in love. He wants us to grow and He'd be much more pleased if we'd take the hint as apposed to the book being thrown at us but it's His job to teach us what He needs from us, what jobs He has for us to do. I think I'm going to go off and study my Bible for a few. I feel at my best right now. No pain and no kids...that truly is what He deserves, my best.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Thursday, January 10, 2008

The Day Is Winding Down

This day is winding down. Kieran and Sadie have gone off to bed so all that are left are me and Steffanie. Steff is watching shows on the television and eating snacks and I'm hoping she gets tired soon. I doubt it but maybe.
Today has been a good day. It wasn't the most productive day but things did get done. I took the kids to the dollar store and spent a lot more money than I should have but that's a bridge I'll cross once Ryan becomes cross with me about it. I hate it when he feels that way and I'm planning on getting therapy so that part of my life will be my next challenge to correct. I need to grow up a lot in some ways and in others I need to get in touch with my inner child. It's a never ending cycle. I just want to learn the life skills on how to be a more responsible adult. Plus, it would make Ryan very happy.
The kids did good today, nothing big to report. Dr.E changed Kieran's meds again and upped the dose on one of them but I think this will work better.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

A Normal Morning

So far it's been a normal morning but this afternoon will be a lot different. You see, we get our Rexy today. Matt told Ryan last night that we could come and get him. So, today we are going shopping for our puppy and then we will go the Reeder's house and pick up our new bundle of joy.
Then the fun of potty training begins. I'm not looking forward to it but I know it has to be done right or we'll always have problems with him pottying in the house. I just hope he learns to respect us as his owners right off the bat. I read that that's very important for Chi's. They need to know who the boss is or they will rule the roost. And, that, will cause serious problems with behavior.
I am so excited to have a new baby in the house and Kieran was way excited this morning when I told him that we'd have Rexy when he got home from school. He started jumping up and down and squealing with excitement. I told him to have a great day and be good. I was worried that all the excitement of having something to look forward to would make him over-anxious and thus, cause his to be a problem child today. I hope not, but you always got to be on top of this stuff as a parent.
My uncle will be going home today. Which is not any big deal. It's been nice having him around but it will be nice to run around without a bra on for a change.
I was just thinking. . .I wonder if everyone who reads this blog takes a minute to check out our family blog? If you read this and do or don't check out the family blog let me know. Just send me an email....

Monday, January 7, 2008

Having Another Normal Day

I'm having a normal day today. It's been the usual things and all that. I did go to my dentist appointment today and I found out that I may have gum disease but that depends on if I'm brushing too hard. He didn't do anything for this jaw clenching thing I've been doing for two weeks now. I have an appointment with Dr. E on Thursday and I will be addressing it.
Ryan tried to make a deal with me. He said if I don't spend any money this week then next week we will go buy stuff for the puppy. I have made up my mind that I wouldn't spend money anyway so it's a double win situation for me. I have a happy husband and I get stuff for my Rexy.
The kids have been their usual selves today. I have changed more poopy diapers than I can count and I'm darn sick of it.
My uncle is still in town and it's still pleasant. Usually, I am sick of someone after as long as he's been around but he doesn't bother me in the least. He even brought my brother in to town which was a nice and wonderful surprise.
He's been talking about moving down here and him and my mom sharing an apartment. My mom said she was thinking of moving to Oregon but I just can't see my mom leaving her grand kids and her children for that matter. We'll just have to wait and see what happens. It would be nice if my mom had someone in her family close to her.
My uncle just farted and then acted like he didn't do anything but he made some comment about "whew'' and then he waved his hand as if to fan it away...I have to sit here in this funk and all I can do is type about it and hope that those of you reading my blog are laughing your butts off knowing that I'm sitting her in this funk...I know I would be laughing my tail off it I were reading this.
Oh...my mom is back, thank the Lord...I can go help her do what she needs to do and I don't have to smell my uncles funk.

Check out my Slide Show!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Just Another Day

Today was a productive day for myself. I did all sorts off household chores and I supported Ryan in his adventure in the garage. I felt kinda crappy too....I was just stiff but that's enough to feel crappy. Right?
Steff just sat and watched Brad and Lindsey's slide show with me, she kept asking who it was with each picture. It was pretty funny. Then she said the cutest thing, she said she wanted to see Brad and Lindsey "today." I thought it was sweet. I was honestly happy to have her next to me as apposed to torturing her napping father.
I am sitting her blowing bubbles with my bubble gum and she keeps laughing and saying, "again, again..." She wants to touch the bubble but she's wary of what will happen if she does, she reaches out for it and then pulls her hand back. I'm having a great time with my little girl. They (the good times) seem few and far between but they do happen and they are the moments that I love to blog about. That is after all, why I started a blog. . .to keep a record of the things that my kids do and say that they may want to read about when they are older.
Like Steff calls binoculars, knockers...funny stuff.
It's been a long day. Say woke me up at about quarter after six and I've been going since. I haven't sat down much and my achy bones are telling me a story about it too. I think I feel icky because of the weather. Whenever the weather goes downhill I start to feel pain from my car accident. Speaking of car accidents, they are figuring out a dollar amount to settle on. I doubt it will be anything near what it should be. So, I don't think I'll settle. I don't want to be responsible for the repercussions from something that isn't my fault for the rest of my life. I don't know until they come back with an offer though and then maybe we can counter offer. After all, they did have to admit fault because I was rear-ended.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Read About My Rexy

I just looked up some good info on Chihuahua's and how to take care of adults and puppies too. I read some good info, like they only need a bath once a month and to not get their ears wet because it can cause ear infections.
I read they are easy to paper train and that they need a space of their own. They are great family dogs but can be a little nervous around small children that they aren't used to.
He will take a day or two to get used to this being his new home and they are prone to gaining weight so they shouldn't have snacks.
I'm really looking forward to having a little friend. I hope he takes to me well. They are very protective of their owners and will follow them around. I think that will be so cute.
I also read they don't do well in temperatures that are lower than 45 degrees. So he'll have to have a coat and a sweater.

Going A Little Mad

Driving me absolutely nuts is what Steff is up today. She keeps crying about everything. She has pulled the cushions off the couch again and right now she is crying because I won't let her cereal bowl sit out where Sadie can get it and yet she won't sit down and eat it. She just wants it on the table. She is driving me absolutely crazy. I am about ready to lose it with her. I just discovered that she took her diaper off again too. She's just being a demon this morning. Tears and tears and more tears is what I keep getting.
Now, she's freaking out because she wants me to cover her up with her blanket...Only fifteen more minutes and I'm getting Ryan up. He better crawl his butt right out of bed too or I'm seriously going to lose it with him too.
Sadie's not being much better. She keeps getting into the things she's not supposed to and she likes to destroy everything. Right now she's into the videos and the books. I think I've detoured her for the time being, I put one of the couch cushions in front of the book case where she can't reach them any longer.
I really hope Ryan wakes up decent today. I don't think I could handle another fight. I think that would be the straw that broke the camels back and I'd turn into the perpetual beast for sure.

Pain Day

It's a pain day. I woke up this morning and my back is screaming. I feel like I have been kicked in the back. I don't know why today is so much worse than yesterday, I babied my back last night. Complete with a message and a heating pad. I just know, I want to lay around and nurse my back again. I mean heck, I didn't even do anything strenuous yesterday because I know my back has such a hard time. I have gotten a little better since I got up but I'm still ready to call Dr E and leave a message stating I slept wrong, is there anything he can do?
Not mentioning my pain level sucks, Steff is being super whiny this morning. She's usually a docile creature but she must have slept on the wrong side of the kitchen floor. I know it's terrible we let her sleep in there but we used to be able to let her fall asleep there and move her and now she just wakes up and screams for the kitchen. It's such a pain. I hate it quite honestly but for some reason she will not stay in her room. She gets up with her pillow and goes and lays down in the kitchen without you knowing she's doing it and then as I said, trying to move her turns into a scream fest.
I woke up to Ryan coming and telling me Sadie had been crying for twenty minutes. Usually I hear her but for some reason the lights were really out this morning. I remember telling Kieran to have a good day and he handed me a couple of things that I needed to sign so he could start visiting with the school counselor but that's it. I was back out...I didn't even hear my mom leave this morning.
I had to strip Sadie's clothes off because she wet through her clothes because I forgot to take her diaper off her and change it before she went to bed last night. I am just completely off today and last night. I wonder if I'll get my poop in a pile at some point this morning or if this is going to be the story of the day? If this is the story I'm sure I'll be back with more stupid things that I've done.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Always A Little Crazy

Notice that the cushions are on the floor and the girls are jumping on the couch. No wonder I live my life on the brink of insanity.
Always a little crazy, is the story of my life. I feel nuts most of the time. I wonder if it's from having two small children and trying to give my ten year old what he needs while taking care of their needs or if maybe it's because I don't get a whole lot of adult interaction? It could be any number of things...I just know I'm crazy...

The girls are being good for the moment and the train is off......I just washed and dried my hair and it feels so refreshing. I may not be able to shower everyday but I do wash my hair regularly and that makes me feel nice and clean. I know, ew, she doesn't shower everyday...but, I do try to take a bath each day. Those I can take because Steff and Sadie come in the bathroom and play in the tub while I bathe. Then, of course, Steff takes a bath after I've emptied the tub and refilled it.

I'm going to start the decent into hell her in a minute. If you're wondering what I mean it's waking Ryan up. I hate waking him up. I hate it more than any of my other chores, including diapers. I could change poopy diapers all day if I never had to wake him up again. It's so hard to get him out of bed and the more I try the more he whines about how tired he is. Thing is, he whines about being tired even when he's gotten 8 hours of sleep. It could be ten hours and he'd still whine. I think once he hits 11 hours he starts to feel like a p.o.s. because he's slept most of his day away. There is not happy medium.

Don't get wrong, I look forward to Ryan being up. I legitimately enjoy my husband's company but it's the getting him out of bed that I don't like. If he would just get out of bed instead of taking at least 30 minutes it wouldn't both me at all to get him up but it does take that long and I hate it.

So, I just made my first attempt at getting Ryan up...and, I'm typing and not publishing because he wanted another half an hour because he didn't go to be until after 4am sometime. Like it's my fault that he doesn't go to bed at a decent hour. I have to put up with this crap every day. I hate it, I hate it, I hate it. Trying to wake him up brings a lot of swear words to mind...I could have some very colorful language right about now but I will keep it clean. Just know, that I hate waking Ryan up everyday. I wish he were a self-starter but he's not so I'll spend the rest of my life fighting with him about getting out of bed.
I have been worrying about having a puppy in the house because of all the work they require but it just occurred to me that at least I'll have something to do. I doubt I'll be blogging quite as much as usual and I'm so excited to get my puppy. I can't even begin to put into words how excited I am to have a little cuddle bug and a lap dog. I have still been reading up on chihuahua puppies and how to take care of them.
Sadie just went from happy to pissed off in no time flat. I was typing one second and the next she's screaming like Steff is pestering her. I guess that's her clue to me that she's ready for a nap.
I got Ryan up, now, he's laying on the couch and only God knows how long he's going to lay there and sleep for.
I figured out how to get Ryan to wake up...talk about money. That's the only thing he can't handle sleeping through. He will wake up for money. Yep, he's up...I feel so much better. I like it when he gets right out of bed and is awake. I don't understand how he can be so tired after sleeping for at least 7 hours. I know it's because I wake right up and get moving so he seems in short, lazy to me. I know that's why I hate his sleeping habits. But, I figure it's not fair to everyone else to be a burden on others while I wake up. Granted, I take naps and burden others but figuring that out is half the battle. I guess I will be watching myself from now on. I didn't realize I was as bad as he is....oops.

Normal Morning

It's been a normal morning and Ryan and I made it through last night-exhausted, but we made it through. Once I turned on Sprout, Steff and Sadie mellowed right down. Which made for a much easier time. I can't believe it took turning the television to their station to get them to behave. That's terrible...
I just lifted Steff over the couch and I about killed myself. She weighs a ton. Okay, so she really weighs like 35 pounds but feeling as stiff as I do, I could have swore she weighed more than that. I thought I was gonna fall onto the couch with her.
I hate being bored and rambling on, but that's the theme for this morning. I've already started my second episode of Caillou and I've watched a little news. Sadie will let me watch it first thing in the morning but it's like once she watches Sprout, the tv has to stay on Sprout. It really sucks sometimes.
I'm feeling better than yesterday but I'm still feeling stiff. I am even having a hard time typing because my hands are so stiff. I hate it when it's like this. Of course, I hate being even in a little pain. Why would I want to do that? I can think of better things...who couldn't? Today is not bad though, just stiff.
I am about sick of not having things to do. I need a new hobby. This whole blogging thing is not as fun or productive as I thought it would be. It's not bad and it is something to do but I would like a productive hobby. Something that produces results of some magnitude. I can only sit at my computer for so long or I get bored with being bored.

So, we went to Starbucks and Steff had the lady at the window laughing. She saw that I had gotten banana nut bread and she started yelling, "bread, bread, bread" and then, I just looked at the lady and told her, "she loves this bread," and she just laughed. Which is good, since she looked a little on the ornery side before Steff's verbal outburst.
Sadie will not leave Steff's train alone. I don't know what to do. I keep having to get her and put her back in the living room and tell her "no." I'm sick of Steff freakin' out each time Say gets a hold of her train. I wish we have never gotten Steff that train. I would like to put it away but Steff keeps playing with it. If she weren't playing with it so much I would put it away. She likes it though.
Arg..that train is going to be the death of my sanity. It keeps coming off the track and it makes this ticking sound....tick, tick, tick, tick, tick...but really fast...Ah...it did it again...And, Steff will not let me turn it off. It just goes around and around the track, then she'll go play with it and I feel bad for wanting to put it away. I think I figure out how to not have to listen to it and then she goes and turns it back on.
Oh...I'm sick of being her little servant mother. She wanted to lay down on the couch and of course that meant I had to cover her up with her blanket, then she wanted a fruit snack and more banana bread. So, I got the fruit snack and banana bread and put them in a bowl like she likes and then she wanted her juice. So, I went into the kitchen, where she slept last night...and got the juice bottle off the floor. I had gotten her virtually everything she wants in the morning so I figured I could go back to blogging...
And, Sadie's attacking the train again....Steff is speaking in tongues at her. Oh...boy....I guess I better go rescue the train. Okay, or Steff will just go rip it out of her hands, like she just did. Ohm poor Say...she's gonna be bullied by her big sister for the rest of her childhood.
I have checked our account, ordered stamps, gone to Starbucks, made a pot of coffee and played nurse maid to Steff, which makes Sadie seem all that much easier than she really is and I've blogged about everything that has been happening. And, I'm bored again.
We are watching Caillou's Holiday Movie-again. I put it on though since it's an hour long. I don't have to play the "on demand" game for an hour when I put this movie on.
Oh, she's freakin out because she can't get her train to stay on the tracks. I'm losing it because I have to keep go and fix it and it's driving me nuts.
Now, she's pulling the tracks apart-again. She did this last night too, only she doesn't understand how to put it back together, so it's "help, mommy." Oh....

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

It's Been A Mellow Morning

It's been one of those mellow yet demanding mornings. Steff has had me chasing things down...like her juice, her blanket, getting her a bowl of cereal and changing the channel to what shows she wants to watch each time one gets over. We've played the "On Demand" game a few times already.
Ryan has started his decent in to darkness. He stayed up til 2am last night trying to get used to being up late so when he goes back to work he's not exhausted that whole first week. He'll stay up late again tonight since tomorrow is back to business. To be honest, having him home has been a lot nicer than I thought it would be. I thought I'd be ready to send him back to work after two days or worse yet, kill him. But, that is not the case, I have certainly enjoyed having him home.
I also learned something over this break...I wish he could work days. It was nice the two days that he went in during the day to have him leave in the morning and come home in the evening and I did it all without any help from my mom. She was at work one day and nursing her eyes the next. So, as I have come to figure out quite well, I do not need her and she can move out now......
Sadie has been up to business as usual. She ate a bottle and pooped. Each and every morning we do this same routine. What's she going to do when I take the bottle away? She's such a good little peanut. I have no complaints when it comes to her temperament. Now, I do wish she'd stand, walk or talk but other than those wishes I have no demands as a mother. Hehehe Can you hear the sarcasm in my typing?
Steff is being pretty good-right now. She's just watching television and being docile. She's usually pretty docile in the morning but she does have her usual demands. She at least greets me with "it's a sunny day" every morning before she starts in on her wants. She always asks for something to eat. Sometimes it's a bowl of cereal and sometimes it's oatmeal. She always asks for me to get her blanket and cover her up and she always wants Sprout. I cannot watch my news in the morning with her up. Never, no way...
Steff did do something out of character or maybe Ryan and I found a way to get her to let us watch a show we want. We told her that it was a "mommy, daddy show" and she stopped throwing her fit and let us watch something. I don't even remember what it was but I know how we figured out how to do that...We had unsuccessfully put her in her room to go to bed and she somehow made her way into the living room with her pillow and blanket and decided that was were she was falling asleep. Well, Ryan and I were watching a movie and she wanted Sprout but we told her that it was time for a "mommy, daddy movie" and she said something to the effect of repeating the desire and she laid down and went to sleep. So, we tried it again and it worked...I know this won't work for long but at least we'll get a few good shows in...
I'm feeling a little sore this morning. I can't be sure why or why the Ultram isn't working but I don't feel too hot. I feel more like I have shoveled a foot of snow and my back has ceased up. I also have bone pain. I have, however, had zero right hip pain. I got an injection in that hip a couple of weeks ago and I have had no pain in it since. Now, the other hip is a different story but my right hip feels great! I know, you're thinking why only one hip??? Well, I had never had an injection in my hips and I was afraid it would cause more pain so we (me and doc E) decided to try it in one hip and see how I like it. I love it! is the answer to that question and I am going to be making yet, another doctors appointment so I can go in for my other hip to be injected. I can't get any relief in my back but why have sore hips?
The girls are playing and being cute. Steff is playing with the tracks to the train Ryan found in the attic yesterday and Sadie is watching television and spitting like a llama. I am trying to keep myself busy while I wait for time to tick by. I'm letting Ryan catch his full 8 hours of sleep and I have less than five minutes to go before I can go wake him up.
Today is grocery day and with the pain I'm feeling I'm not looking forward to it but it has to be done. We don't have much to get but we still have to do it. I know Ryan is going to be hating it as much as I am since he has had upper back pain for the last week. I know he thinks I'm sick of hearing him talk about it but really I feel bad that he hurts. I know what it's like to hurt and I feel for him. I wish I could take it away or make him feel better but I can't. I try to do all that I can for him...
I just realized I haven't blogged about Mr. Kieran but that's because he went to Marla's last night so he hasn't been up to anything at our house. I have checked on Princess and she's doing well, her tank is at the perfect temp and she greeted me at the side when I turned on her light. I will be checking on her again in a short while to make sure she doesn't need any heat.
Well, I can wake Ryan up now and the grocery store adventure will begin...