Monday, November 26, 2007

Up Early Today

So, I woke up at 3am with another headache but, I think I've isolated what is causing them...medication. I think it's a medication that I'm on. It's a new one so it only makes sense. I will just have to talk to the doc and see if there is maybe a different one of the same type that I can try. No big deal, well, other than the wretched headaches that is.

Sadie and Steff got up ungodly early this morning...Sadie woke up at 5:15 and she was in a crabby mood so her crying woke Steff up at 5:45. I really didn't want to start my day that early but as a mom, you do what you have to do...Right?

Kieran will be walking to school with Nick for the rest of the year. I couldn't be more excited about it either. You see, this means I no longer have to drive him each morning. I know it's not smart or safe for him to walk alone, that's why I used to give him a ride each morning. I will still give them rides when the weather is a wreck or when the temperature drops out the bottom.

The girls may have gotten up early but they both fell asleep early too. Sadie went back down at about 7:45am and Steff went down around 6:30. Steff slept until 10:30ish and Sadie is still asleep. All this is fine with me since they got up so darn early.

I'm hoping Sadie sleeps for another half hour because that's when I'll be going in to wake Ryan up. I think he finally went to bed at about 4 or 4:30 this morning. So, he deserves to sleep until at least 11 or 11:30. I don't really like that he goes to bed so late but I still think he should get about 7 hours of sleep. I know he appreciates it too.

I think Sadie is starting to wake up...I heard a little fussing coming from our bedroom. I was hoping she'd sleep another 10 minutes but I don't think that's going to happen...

Heaven's to Betsy's I am feeling tired still...I could go back to sleep before my head even hit the pillow...I will have to tell Ryan of my early morning adventures and see if he takes any pity on me and lets me go take a nap...

Steff has had a runny nose for the last week and she was complaining of a loose tooth. I have a feeling she's getting her two year molars. I guess we'll see though...

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