Saturday, November 17, 2007

Today Has Been Rough

Today has been somewhat of a rough day. Not that my kids are doing anything rotten-at least not as of's just that I only had four hours of sleep and a half hour, interupted nap on the sofa. That and we have a low pressure so that causes my hips to give me grief. All this makes for a rough day.
I still can't get over how great last night was...I enjoyed it so very much...Ryan being at work would be super hard if we hadn't spent the evening together...That's not saying it's easy but at least I have fond memories to go on...
The kids have been pretty good today. Steff and Sadie played together well and they both ate a big dinner and the house is quiet-thanks to Nemo...
Kieran is off to his Gram and Gramps for the night and although I miss him, sometimes it's nice to not have a night with him and Steff screatching at each other. Not that they do it every night but ya never can be quite sure what kind of night it's going to be.
I have taken two baths today in the hopes that they would ease some of this icky feeling. I don't have a hang-over or anything like that, I just feel beat up. I do however feel a little better after my bath(s).
I am patiently awaiting Ryan's arrival home and it's sure taking it's dear sweet time getting here. He should be leaving as I am typing this and it's about twenty to eight. Sadie will be going to bed in a few minutes and then Steff about an hour later. I do want to keep them up for their dad to be able to spend a few more minutes with them but I can't be sure if they will cooperate.
I forgot to mention that we went out to Ryan's work for about an hour and sat with him while he had his lunch and ran some parts. He even made sure we all had safety glasses on while we were in the production area. I think that is so sweet. Steff sure looked cute with those big glasses on her face. Say didn't have any but her face wouldn't have supported them and she and I sat away from the machines. We had a good time but it was very hard to leave him there. That was when we decided that he needed to get everything all cleaned up and come home...He'd put in enough overtime for the week. I sincerely wanted to go back in and help him clean up so he could come home sooner but I had the girls and it just wasn't a possibility.
Well, I think I've worn out my blogging welcome for the day and I'd like to vege on the couch for a minutes before I have to give my full attention to my wonderful husband when he gets home. Take care and have a great night.
One final thought that was shared with me last night...Cleaning your house while you have small children is like shoveling your walk before it's done snowing....Yet another reason to go on strike against cleaning...

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