Saturday, November 10, 2007

Who Needs Sleep

I definitely don't require much sleep, I have come to this conclusion. Otherwise I wouldn't be up at 3:15am blogging. You ask why am I blogging? Because both my toddlers have awaken and I'm trying to wait them out. You see it started out with Sadie. I thought I'd be smart and bring her nice warm bottle as I climbed back into bed from a short waking spell so that she didn't wake up just as I was falling into la la land. Well, the bottle emptied before she was done drinking it. So, she started crying. Then I hear Steff asking for "Mommy."
So now I have two awake toddlers and two bottles to make and one microwave.
I know you're not suppost to heat milk in the microwave but I guess peole aren't smart enough to shake the crap out of the bottle before giving it to their kids...
My new delema is which child's needs are more pressing?
I choose Sadie since she is the one screaming and I'm hoping this will shut her adorable little mouth for at least a minute.
No such luck on that. She's been crying for the last 20 minutes.
The funny part...Ryan has slept through the entire scream fest. He does this all the time. So, for the ladies who are the only ones to get up with their little ones in the middle of the night-I feel for you...If I waited til Ryan got up hell would have froze over first.
So, here I sit half asleep and barely keeping my wits about me.
It sounds like all has quieted down and I can safely re-try that whole going to sleep thing.

1 comment:

Veronica Foale said...

Oh dear, what a night. I hope they sleep in for you.