Monday, November 19, 2007


Well, it sounds like Ryan is getting sick after all. I was just saying yesterday how I couldn't figure out how he and Kieran escaped getting the wicked cold the females in the house all got. I must have jinxed him...
He called earlier saying he has a headache he can't get rid of, he feels hot, his eyes are burning and he just doesn't feel good. I told him he should come home and get rest. He told me he's a big boy and he'd see how long he could hang in there. I feel terrible that he doesn't feel well and if he is getting sick that would explain why he was so worn out yesterday. It really didn't seem like he did all that much but he did seem really worn out.
Kieran is being decent tonight...Not bad and not great. He's been playing with Steff really well but he's also been a stinker to me at times.
Steff is running around and being crazy. She just got a hold of a whisk and started smacking at her brother. Oh...which reminds me; today I caught her smacking her sister with a plastic, slotted spoon. I took it away and warned her not to hit her sister...
Say is being cute. She is just crawling around playing and being content.
I am worried about Ryan and I hope he doesn't play tough guy and not come home if he gets feeling worse. I love my family so much that it hurts me when they hurt.

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