Monday, November 12, 2007

What Ryan Likes

Ryan admitted something last night at grandpa and grandma's that I didn't know...He likes me blogging and he thinks it's been a good resource for me.
Hooray, he doesn't hate it. I don't think he realizes that I air all laundry. Dirty and clean...Maybe he does, I don't know.
One thing he did say was that he's sure I paint him in a bad light.
His brother told him that I usually talk good about him.
And, why not?
He is a great man...He has faults and moments of distress but who doesn't?
Hell, I have more moments than most and they happen several times a day.

1 comment:

Veronica Foale said...

I am so glad that he likes you blogging. Nathan doesn't have a problem with me blogging either. It's great.

(I think Nat's parents have a problem with it though. Ahhh well, sucks to be them)