Friday, November 2, 2007

This Morning's Happenings.

Today has started out okay. Steff has been super whinny this morning though. I really don't like it when she is like this. It makes the day go by in a rough way.
The girls are in their room playing together. I can't be sure what they are doing but I hear the keyboard and no crying so it sounds okay.
Sadie had a rough night of sleep. Not really just that when she woke up at 1am I let her cry herself back to sleep because she should be sleeping longer than 5 hours before waking up. She didn't cry too long and I did check on her. She eventually went back to sleep and slept until 7:30ish. I was proud of her. Not too many more nights and she'll be sleeping right through the night.
I'm getting better I just have this silly cough lingering around...I need to call the doc and see if he will call in a refill on some cough syrup for me. I only need to take it at night, there's something about laying down that makes me cough. I don't know if that's normal or if everyone else with this gunk has had the same thing but that's what happens to me.
I'm feeling like being crafty but I just don't have the room for it. I know I should do something today cuz it's been a few days since I dusted and did the chores. I have kept my house somewhat clean but I really want it clean. I love the feeling of a clean house.
Boy, Steff is being super annoying today. I just want to scream. She whines about everything. If she wants something and you aren't moving fast enough she gets worse. She's been doing that thing where she tells you she wants something and expects you to get it for her. I really don't like it when she acts this way. I just tell her she can do it herself and then all hell breaks lose. She starts throwing a fit because you haven't gotten it for her. Oh...the monster we created.
She has gotten better about doing things for herself but she's still super hard to handle sometimes.
Sadie is being her usual self. She has had a really runny nose this morning though. She doesn't like me wiping it either. She is sitting on the floor watching Sesame Street right now, it's so cute. She is such a pleasant and docile child. I can't believe I was lucky enough to have a mellow baby like her. You never would have guessed that our baby with colic would turn into such a sweet little girl. I hope she stays this way into toddler-hood. I don't think I can handle another pistol like Steff. I think I will seriously lose my mind instead of just teasing about it.
Well, I better get some stuff finished. I have to run my mom to the doc at 10:30, she has this gunk that I have. I am debating on whether or not to wake Ryan up and have him watch the girls or if I should just take them with me and let him sleep. Oh, the decisions.
I think I will try to wake him up but I'll have the girls ready to go just in case he doesn't cooperate and get out of bed. I am thinking I probably should let him sleep though. He didn't go to bed until late. Oh, the decisions.
I know I don't really want to take Steff anywhere as ornery as she's being today. I wish sometimes that she could just sit still so I could go places with her and not feel like my child is annoying everyone. I'm kind of excited to get out of the house. As insane as that sounds I think I'm ready to go somewhere.

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