Saturday, November 10, 2007


I have been tagged to do a meme...this list ought to be full of interesting things since I'm doing it at such an odd hour...
I want to say thanks to frogpondrocks for setting me up this challenge...This is my first official tag and it ought to be fun or at least funny...

8 Things I'm Passionate About
1. Christ being my Savior. I have such a thirst and love for the one man in history who saved my soul.
2. My children. I'd do anything to keep them happy and healthy. They may make me crazy but they and Ryan keep me alive.
3. My husband-Ryan. He is my world.
4. Coffee, lots and lots of coffee. I love coffee, it's the greatest invention ever made.
5. Reading. I love to learn and gain knowledge on a wide variety of subjects. My two favorite books are the Bible and the DSM-IV.
6. Blogging-it's my latest friend. I enjoy write about the daily habits and antics of my family. Blogging is my way of documenting the things my children did when they were growing up.
7. Shopping...What woman doesn't appreciate a day with the credit cards?
8. Letting the people I care about know they are cared about. I have been know to send cards just letting someone know I love them or just to tell someone to have a great day.
8 Things I want to do before I die
1. Travel Europe. I'd really like to see Italy, Germany and England. That is where my ancestors are from
2. Visit Jerusalem. It's the place my Savior lived and preached
3. Skydive. I have a fear of heights and I figure this will cure it.
4. Breathe liquid oxygen. I watched the Abyss and have wanted to breath liquid oxygen since.
5. Play with my grandchildren and great-grandchildren. I look forward to growing old. I don't fear death and I see it as a way of going "home."
6. Get a boob job. I have little boobies and I have always wanted a slightly bigger size. Besides they'd be toys for Ryan.
7. Remodel my house. We bought this house that looks like a cottage but it is a little fixer-upper.
8. Live pain free. I want to find a way to cure my bursitis or to at least keep it at bay.
8 Things I say often
This one may have some expletives in it...
1. Stop it!!! Usually to my kids.
2. Be nice, share. Usually to my two year old and occasionally to Kieran.
3. I love you. I try to tell my family they are loved.
4. Oh, for Pete's sake or Oh, for the love of Pete. I say this in place of using lots of expletives.
5. What's wrong. I say this a lot to people when they aren't the happy chipper person I think they should always be. Besides, I care enough to want to help make them feel better if I can.
6. Lets get Starbucks. I love COFFEE!!!
7. Damn it. This is the worst expletive I use and Steff has picked it up...
8. I need a smoke. Always feeling stressed out brings this saying along.
8 Books I have read recently
1 The Five People You Meet in Heaven
2. The Bible
3. The Mind, A User's Manual
4. The DSM-IV
5. Boundaries in Marriage
6. Boundaries with Kids
7. Nora Robers, The Mcgregor Brides This is the best romance novelist their is...
8. The Thesaurus ( I know that's an exciting thriller their)
8 Songs I Could Listen to Over and Over
1. Incubus-Echo
2. She's Beauty-The Tubes
3. Stolen-Dashboard Confessional
4. Lady in Red
5. Photograph-Def Leppard
6. Hysteria-Def Leppard
7. When Love and Hate Collide-Def Leppard
8. Picture-Filter
8 Things That Attract Me To My Best Friends
1. The ability to tell it like it is.
2. I can be myself.
3. They know I'm crazy.
4. It's okay that I'm crazy.
5. They would do anything for me.
6. I know they are always a phone call away.
7. They've been through a lot with me.
8. I've been through a lot with them.
8 People Who Should Do This MeMe
(I don't have eight blogging friends so I'll name all I can but don't hold out on a long list)
1. Brad & Lindsey
2. Kieran aka Kmanster
3. Marcus and Anne
4. Katie
5. And, you if you are reading that takes up 6, 7, and 8.

1 comment:

Veronica Foale said...

What a great list!

I love Nora Roberts too.