Sunday, November 4, 2007


Today has been an interesting day with the time change and all. It's been weird almost. I keep thinking it's later than it is. I can't be sure if I like it or not. I didn't get that extra hour of sleep so I was actually up an hour earlier than I would have been. It's a bummer when you have kids that don't understand the end of daylight savings time.

I am feeling so down on myself right now. I made some financial mistakes and it's costing my kids a better Christmas. I wish I could turn back time and change the past. I have never really wanted to change the past but I want to now. I feel terrible. I have faith that everything will be okay though.

The kids are doing well today. Kieran is going through all of his old toys and getting rid of the ones he no longer wants. He's so funny because he's so excited about it...He and Ryan are going to clean and rearrange his room. Ryan is also going to hook up a computer for him. No worries though, he won't have internet access.

Steff has been alright. She has been running a fever for 2 days so I took her see the doctor. All we learned was that she has what we thought she has, a cold. She has been sick for approximately 10 days or more. Ever since she got her flu shot she has been sick. I feel for her. I wish I could make her feel better but you know how it goes...?

Sadie has been a very whinny child today. She cries whenever you leave the room. It's sad...but it's also starting to get annoying. We can't figure out what's wrong with her. We kinda wonder if she's feeling icky like Steff. She hasn't been running a fever though so it's a mystery. She crawls around and cries until you pick her up and hold her.

Ryan is doing well, he's a little down about our finances because it means he'll need to work more overtime. He enjoyed getting Kieran's room done and he said that it will stay clean and that it's his job to check Kieran's room for cleanliness.

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