Wednesday, November 21, 2007

A Long Day

It's been a long day...This morning started out slow but once I left to take Kieran to see Dr.Kluthe it went faster and faster and I'm just barely getting to sit down and blog.
Kieran's appointment went well. He said that when Kieran threatens to move out we should just act uninterested and thus he's not receiving the rise out of us that he's looking for and hence, he'll eventually stop saying it. As for when he acts rageful we should tell him thanks for letting us know his feelings and the point is to ultimately have him come to us and tell us instead of acting them out. So, I learned some good techniques...
Steff and Sadie hung out with me all day, accept for when I took Kieran to his appointment of course. We took Kieran out to his Grams and then we came home for a few minutes and after that it got more busy...We left and went to pick up my mom from work so she could watch the girls while I went to my doctor's appointment but, we ended up all going to the appointment. The appointment was a wreck with Steff wanting to talk with the nurse first, and then the doctor. She wanted their attention and my mother wasn't being very helpful with trying to keep her out of our business. Heaven forbid, she wouldn't even hold Sadie so my doctor didn't have to step over her. And, I thought she would be helpful since it was her idea for all of us to go...
Then we went to the grocery store...that was a zoo. Beings it was the night before the big feast. I had to get a prescription and we loaned my mom more money so she could buy all the food for her and Danny to have a Thanksgiving feast...Can you tell I'm annoyed with her?
So, we dropped my mom and the food off and the girls and I went out to see Ryan at work. That was the highlight of my night...I miss him and I'm excited for him to have 2 days off.
After we left Ryan's work, we went to my dad's since it was just 5 minutes away. I had a good time over there and it was nice to spend time with dad, Kelly and my sisters. I actually ended up bringing one of my sisters home with me for the night. I brought Tayler home because there was no way I was getting Steff out of their house without her. She definitely didn't want to leave when I told her it was time to go...
Now, it's past my kids bedtime and we're still watching a movie. Even Sadie is still awake and it's two hours past her bedtime. Some time they will all go to bed and I can hardly wait...I know I'm ready for bed...

1 comment:

Veronica Foale said...

Wow you have had a busy day.

Happy Thanksgiving! (well it is Thursday here already)