Wednesday, November 28, 2007

I Live at The Zoo

My children are animals or at least they were tonight. Kieran and Steff kept running around the house playing tag and Sadie kept crawling all over really fast and shaking her head up and down...kinda like she'd listened to too much of Ryan's music.
It was all quite funny but it strangely reminded me of a bunch of wild monkeys at the zoo. I honestly felt like I was living in a zoo.
I like it when my kids are full of spunk and get along. Of course, they need to get along or it's not cute at all.
Sadie is in bed and Steff is sitting on my mom's lap and Kieran is chillin on the couch and we are all watching the Berenstein Bears. It's nice and quiet and I couldn't be more happy for the down time.
Okay, so it's not that quiet...Steff is banging this plastic thing against the tv tray in front of her. She's annoying the pants off my mom and Kieran and I think it's still much quieter than it was so this is still bliss to me.
I wonder what tonight is going to be like when I try to put Steff to bed? I dread putting her to bed. She usually throws a wicked fit and wakes Sadie up. Then to top it off, falls asleep in the hallway. I had to move her last night and much to my surprise she actually cooperated. I almost didn't believe she was going for the transfer. I kept waiting for her to wake up and scream some more but she didn't....I hope tonight is that easy...I am thinking positive thoughts that it will be...I think I'd better say a nice, long prayer just to be safe...

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