Friday, October 12, 2007

Up at Four

So Ryan came home at four am and woke me up...I guess cuz he misses me. So we chatted and watched The Unit and he went to here I sit blogging to my hearts content or my eyelids fall. I'm thinking it's gonna be a long day since the Sandman doesn't seem to be lurking anywhere near me.
Yesterday was a good day!!! Steff did two year old stuff but she wasn't malicious like she had been the two previous days. I knew Steff and I were going to have a good day when Sadie woke up in a gnarly mood. It's sad when you know one is going to be happy cuz the other isn't.
Oh....what to say, what to say...I guess I could tell you Kieran caught an interception at his flag football game. I thought he'd be a lot more pleased with himself but ever since his friend(whom I think is a spoiled brat)told him to, "Go home!!!" he was in an icky mood. He didn't want to go to his game and he certainly didn't want to do chores or be friendly to anyone. I could have walked across the street and given that brat a piece of my mind, but for what good? I maintained my composure and advised Kieran to not let others determine his mood, that he was in charge of how he wanted to feel.
So, I went to P.A. Taylor yesterday and although I didn't get any cortisone shots, I did get meds. He took mercy on me and prescribed ibuprofen and lortab. Whoohoo, drugs...Just kidding but for real they did help a ton.
Ryan and I may get to golf one more round before the weather gets any cooler. He got two free tickets from a guy he works with to the golf course near our house. I've been wanting to golf at this course all summer. We'll have to do it soon so if anyone wants to watch our kids please make some noise...If you don't volunteer, we will be asking...Can we bribe you some how?
Saturday we are going over to Ryan's dad's for one last summer type bar b que. I love the way this man cooks steak, hell, I love steak. It should be a good time but as usuall it's hard to take two toddlers anywhere.
Other people's homes are just not baby proof enough for my boundaryless daughters. I guess that makes me too lax of a parent when they can't respect other people's things.
I just had an epiphany...I need to teach my daughters better boundaries......we'll work on that today. But, just today for why would I want to teach them something respectful like that? Can you hear me laughing...?
Wow, that's nuts to say-two toddlers...I mean technically Sadie isn't toddling around but she is almost one and that's more of a toddler stage than a baby stage...I guess. I kinda like saying, "two toddlers." I can wear that like a badge of honor. After all it is some kind of warfare I have to go through to raise two kids that are only 18 months apart in age.
I can tell you sex is scary, each time the subject comes up I count how old my kids are and decide from there if I want to risk it. I know they make birth control but who wants to take a little pill everyday? I'm totally kidding. I am on birth control and I take it religiously at 9am every single day...but I was on birth control when I got pregnant with Kieran, and I had simply switched types when I got pregnant with Sadie. Do you see my apprehension in this beautiful thing that married people do?
I told Ryan my theory on the whole having more kids thing. I told him that we were still having more until he took the initiative and got snipped. He had to agree with my logic. He said he wasn't ready to stop yet because if his brother doesn't have a boy their first time around then we will be trying for one more. What's funny is he says one more but in the same breath he will make some kind of statement about not letting the "Kelstrom" name die out. I hope my darling husband doesn't think that I'm going to have kid after kid just because he doesn't want the "Kelstrom" name to die out. Sometimes I wonder....besides, I love our house and more kids would mean we'd need a bigger home and I don't want to leave this one. This is the only house our daughters have ever lived in and I'd like to keep it that way. I want to grow old here.
I'm feeling wide awake but I know coffee will do that to a person. I'm debating on going to Starbucks for a caramel macchiato. . .Oh...decisions, decisions.

Yes, I went to Starbucks and oh it is yummy. I treated myself to two extra shots of espresso. That should help keep me up for a couple hours and then drop striaght on my head. I got back just in the nick of time because Sadie was waking up when I came in the door. No more Mr. Sandman for me...I will be up for the majority of the day now. Maybe Ryan will have some humanity and let me take a nap when he wakes up. He should, hell he was the one that woke me up at such an ungodly hour.
Things are looking up and I think I'm coming out of my funk. I can't be sure why I had one but I did and I felt so blue and lazy. I love my life for the most part, yeah, we could have more money and Ryan could be home more but who doesn't want to be indepently wealthy and spend all their time with the love of their life? Other than these two desires, I have it all. I am a millionaire without the money. My children are all healthy and beautiful, my husband treats me like rare gold and I have a beautiful home, my faith, my health for the most part, my heart, my sould, my freedom, and the list goes on and on. I am truly rich. I have a richness that some people long for their entire lives and can never buy it, find it or feel it.
I'm leaving you with a prayer that you can take a moment today-right now, and find gratitude and thank God for all your blessings. "Have a blessed day...I know I will :)

1 comment:

Veronica Foale said...

I agree that Ryan should let you have a nap (but if he is anything like my partner it just won't happen).

And as for visiting other peoples houses? Nope, I don't do it either. It is just too stressful when there are things that a toddler could break given half a second. Our children will learn respect for other peoples belongings when they are a little bigger.

As it stands I think curiosity is a healthy thing and that toddlers need to be able to explore their environment. So I don't go out much.

I am lucky though I have a mothers group with toddlers the same age as Amy, so their houses are all safe.