Sunday, October 28, 2007

Today's Events...

I have almost run out of things to say...Nah, I'm just kidding. I actually have a couple things to make comments on.
Steff can now climb into her high chair all by herself...the real kicker is that she cannot get out of it all by herself...It's all actually quite annoying. Can you imagine what's it's like to have to get her everything she wants while she sits in her chair a cries for this, that, or the other thing? She's doing in it right now. First she wanted her blankie, then she wanted her bunny and then she dropped the blankie and had to have it back. But, no sooner did Ryan get her the blanket she wanted to get down. And, when she wants something, she wants it right now. Not in a second, now!!!

Sadie did the cutest thing...she layed her little head down on a couch pillow that was on the floor and fell asleep. It was sweet. Ryan and I had gone outside for less than five minutes and when I came in she was out. I took a couple pictures and then went and layed her in her crib. She barely moved or made a peep when I moved her.

Ryan is being kinda ornery today. I don't know why though because he got 10 hours of sleep. You'd think he'd be in a great mood since that's the most sleep he's gotten in a long time.

I just asked him what his problem is and he said he doesn't feel good. He said he has the body aches. I completely understand because I have felt that way for days and days. I actually went and saw the doctor yesterday. I found out that I have a sinus infection which I kinda figured that but the real kicker is that I have an ear infection. I haven't had an ear infection since I was a baby.

Kieran is getting excited for Halloween. I guess they get to dress up on Wednesday at school and he of course, is excited to be able to go Trick or Treating. I guess we are getting together with Ryan's sister and her husband and going from house to house in our neighborhood. Ryan even took the night off work. It should be fun...

1 comment:

Veronica Foale said...

Wow halloween! We don't celebrate it here, but it sounds like good fun.