Thursday, October 25, 2007

Cold Going Around

There is this nasty cold going around and it hits you like a ton of bricks...This is what I mean...,Last night my nose didn't feel quite right and when I woke up at 4 am to get Sadie a bottle my throat hurt a little but not too bad. Nothing more or less happened for the rest of the day. Until...I layed down to take a short nap when the girls took their naps, when I woke up- BAM!!! My chest was tight, my throat really hurt, my ears feel full, I have a cough that is progressing quickly and I have the aches. So just like that it showed up. Over a little over an hour I went from feeling pretty much fine to feeling like I want to go to the doctor and get some medicine.
I had heard there was a cold going around. Some of my fellow bloggers around the world have seen this same thing but I didn't think it could go from nothing to something in a matter of minutes. I bet I could have watched the clock and told you what time I got the thing at.
Of course, I have yet to mention the worst detail of the whole thing...My kids are gonna get this damn thing too. I am gonna have to watch as my children suffer because there has been a recall on all over the counter cough, cold and allergy medicine for children under 6...Then to boot we're all gonna have to go to the doctor because we've all been exposed to strep throat...
Oh, well...I guess I'll be living on my knees in prayer that this all passes soon...

Steff is on one of those "go outside when I please" kicks. I hate it when she does this cuz then I have to lock my house up like Fort Knox...and the funny part is that she was half dressed until I took a bath (in hopes of feeling better) and she got wet so I took her down to her diaper. So, she is wearing nothing but a diaper and running out into the brisk Fall weather. Crazy kid...

Steff was just laughing her hide off at Sadie. She was driving around this little Barbie jeep and Sadie was crawling after her really fast. Steff thought it was hilarious...I have to admit it was quite cute. I like it when they play well together.

It looks like on Tuesday I will be keeping an eye on Kieran's friend and his younger brother while Jeanette goes to school...As I mentioned in a previous blog she's my kind of people. If not for any other reason for the reason that she's a coffee drinker. I told her that I didn't mind keeping an eye on her kids if we could do coffee sometime...
She does this really pretty writing and I think I'm gonna ask her how much she'd charge us to write our name on our mailbox. I saw their mailbox and it looked good...

I think I'm gonna go rest while I have a minute and Sadie's in bed taking a nap...Besides Steff is hungry and I need to feed her.

1 comment:

Veronica Foale said...

Hope you feel better soon :)