Sunday, October 28, 2007

Just another day in our lives

It has been a lazy day. Zero in depth cleaning was accomplished...I did however manage to get a couple loads of laundry done. I also have a wonderful husband that picked up all the toys and vacuumed the house. So, a little cleaning got done but nothing like last weekend.

Ryan is in some sort of low funk. He layed on the couch and snoozed for four hours. I love my husband and I have to admit he made me nervous with the lack of energy he had. I wish I could help him feel happier and more upbeat. I guess the best thing to do about it is to pray...

Steff had a rough day. Daddy didn't let her get away with doing the normal routine of whining for things that were out of her reach. He made her get up and get what she wanted. It was nice to see him do a little enforcement.

Sadie was a cutie today...She just did her normal stuff....playing, crawling around and the occasional wanting to be held.

I had a busy day. I made labels and letters for Christmas. I have almost completed half. I am proud of myself and now I'm going to bed...

1 comment:

Veronica Foale said...

It sounds like a productive day, even if the house wasn't immaculated (I know that isn't a word, but I like it).