Friday, October 19, 2007

This Morning's Events

It's been an eventful morning and we've only been up 45 minutes. Just long enough for me to go out into the freezing cold and smoke a cigarette, take Kieran to school, wash my hair and check my email.
It's all the fun stuff that's happened in between these 5 events that may have you changing your mind about having more children...or having kids at all.
I have often said that my children are a form of birth control and this morning they are proving me correct.
You see, I have to run Kieran to school each morning and each morning I leave my toddlers alone with our bedroom door open so daddy can hear what's going on without actually getting out of bed.
Let me tell you how effective this is...In the 5 or so minutes it took me today, Steff successfully dumped an entire picture of coffee(my precious drink) onto the playroom floor. Mind you the carpet is a light color.
I came home to both girls looking cute but in my mind I'm wondering what they've been up to.

I discover some kind of crumbs in my hair when I was taking Kieran to school so I treated myself to a hair washing. I actually don't know what was in my hair and I'm still trying to figure it out. It felt almost sandy-hence the need to wash it.

While washing my hair Steff pulled my purse off the counter top and got my wallet out and snatched all the singles from it. So, I of course had to let her put them into her piggy bank or there would have been hell to pay.

I'm out of milk and Steff drinks about 16 ounces each morning.

Steff just came up to me with something "ucky" on her finger and come to find out it was poop again. She has this bad habit of checking her oil once she has gone to the bathroom in her diaper. I only discovered what it was when I touched it and smelled it. Gross, I had to wash my hands but never fear they are clean and smell like pumpkin spice now.

All is calm for a second....The girls are playing with each other in a pretty humane way.

Sadie got to open 2 of her gifts last night...One while daddy was home and one when Kieran got home from school. Daddy and mommy gave her clothes and Kieran gave her a See 'n' Say which Steff has taken over and believes it is her own....

It's another dreary day. It's looking like it's gonna rain and the wind is blowing up a storm-no pun intended.

I'm back again, I went and blew my hair dry...

The girls have been playing in the kitchen and I just figured out why...Steff carried in one of the toy baskets and dumped it out in there. I guess I should just be happy they are playing.
Ya know it's not Sadie I have to worry about, it's Steff. She is so mischievous...
I can't wait for the "terrible twos" to end.
After watching Jenn's twins I saw that I had something to look forward to. The days when she isn't as curious as she is now.

It's 9:30 now and I have done my hair, complete with curls and the whole nine yards. It always feels so good to have it done. I never wear makeup and thus doing my hair makes me feel pretty.

This morning Steff keeps taking her diaper off. I have changed her diaper 4 times in the last hour.

Today Sadie has her one year well-baby visist with Dr. Silas so I will be back to update you on what he has to say. I'm pretty sure he's gonna tell us that she can be on cows milk and that she can sit in a forward facing car seat. Those are the usual milestone for a one year old.


Veronica Foale said...

Forward facing! Thats exciting.

Anonymous said...

Good post.