Thursday, October 18, 2007

A Moment of Peace

Here's a couple pics from Sadie's special day....

It's all quiet in my house. I have put all three kids to bed. Only after we went out to visit Ryan. I cannot express how great this feels to have them all in bed. Now I can prepare myself for bed and hopefully catch some ZZZ's.

Today wasn't a bad day, Steff was pretty good, Sadie was in a good mood and Kieran was at school then he played with his friend across the street most of the night.

I thought Kieran was sweet, he wanted to go see Ryan at work. Now, everyone hopefully understands that Ryan is his step-father so for him to desire to see, "Dad" is a great accomplishment for our family unit. It's been nice having him call Ryan, "Dad." I find it much easier to refer to him as dad for all three kids.

My back feels great and I cannot say enough about Ultram. This stuff is wonderful, it's non-narcotic so you don't get those side effects and it's not as addictive. Don't get me wrong, it's still possible to get addicted to it but from what I've read it's less likely.
The best way to tell you how this stuff helps is that I can still feel the pain it just doesn't hurt. If that makes any sense.
I started taking glucosamine and fish oil but I've read it's not a quick fix and can take about two months to before you start feeling the benefits. I can handle that, I'll just take the Ultram for a couple months and then I will just take the glucosamine and fish oil. I think that sounds like a good idea.

Steff is still awake and because my mom is in the kitchen cooking she is being a chatter box to her. She should be done soon though and then Steff will get bored and go lay down and catch her own set of ZZZ's.

For the record I think I'm feeling a little blue. I need to talk to Dr. E about it because I got the depo shot and the last time I had it I suffered from a serious case of depression. I mean to the point were I would just lay around and cry. I haven't gotten to that point yet but I have started spending money that I should be saving. I also live in fear that Ryan is going to be mad at me...

I know that the Lord will help me through it all and that I just need to have faith in Him and His divine plan for my life.

Sadie had a good day. I wish she could remember what it was like to experience her first birthday cuz I'm sure she'd feel special and loved.

Well the Ambien is starting to make me slow so I'm gonna go for now but I'll be back with more excitement tomorrow. God Bless....

1 comment:

Veronica Foale said...

It looks like Sadie is having a great time.