Monday, October 29, 2007

Funny Morning...

My father in-law just cracked me up. He apparently read the blog and saw that his son was doing his part at resting on the Sabbath Day. He made a great comment that keeping the Sabbath Holy is more than just resting. Guess you had to read the email to get it but thanks for the laugh Sherm...
This morning has been uneventful. Sadie is the only one up and she's so mellow you could forget that she was even around. She just crawls around and plays with things. Of course, she did get into the garbage this morning and eat some popcorn that was on top...I had to laugh...She was just sitting there taking bites of the popcorn when I discovered her.
Now that I think of it, it's been an entertaining morning...

I have been working on Christmas cards-again and boy is it getting mundane. I figured we spend about $25 on sending these. That's cheep considering the letter I write comes straight off my printer and I create the thing on my own software instead of buying fancy paper, the cards are purchased at the local dollar stores and the stamps are bought online so I don't even spend money on gas getting to the post office...and the most ironic part is that of the 50 cards I send out; 3-5 come back with wrong addresses, and we get maybe 10 cards in return.

I think my daughters are getting this funk that I have. Steff has been coughing for two days and Sadie started this morning. I feel really bad when I give my kids any illness so if anyone has figured out how to avoid getting your own kids sick, please share your secret.

Steff has a new trick, okay, so it's been around for about 2 weeks but I just realized I could blog about it...You see, she has figured out what a light switch is for and that every room has at least one....Do you see where this is going..? She turns on and off all the light switches but she prefers to turn them on. I feel like I'm crazy because I leave a room and shut the light off and loo and behold, it's back on and I'm turning it off again. This happens over and over until it clicks in my feeble brain that it's my daughter that's turning them on and I'm not losing it after all. Oh, what a relief that is...

Steff woke up...

Diarrhea seems to be the word of the day....Steff has had it for 2 days, my mom has been running the fart fan downstairs non-stop and I have been taking an antibiotic for my sinus infection and ear infection. So...of course, I get diarrhea every time I take any antibiotics.

There are other lovely side effects of antibiotics - ladies you know what I'm talkin' about...

Cookie Monster is a baaad influence on a two year old at 9 in the morning. Steff hasn't even had breakfast yet but good ole Cookie Monster has had his share of "Me see cookie, me eat cookie" and now Steff wants a dog-on cookie. I don't want to give her a cookie, the only cookies we have have fudge coated on the underside of them and they melt in her tiny little fingers and she leaves fudgie hand prints every...where.

Wee, woo...the cough medicine is working...It's not stopping the cough but it's got my head spinning...
I better go get something done...

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