Monday, October 22, 2007

Maxton, The Girl's Fevers, Stitches Removed

Here I sit with my nephew on my lap...He's playing with everything on my computer desk and doing the cutest babbling. He can say a few words and he can walk. All in all he's the cutest little boy I have in my life. I am truly blessed to be an aunt to this little angel. I never thought I could love my nephew so much...
I took Steff to see Dr. Silas and to have her stitches removed. She also had to have a couple x-rays of her finger. Which we found that the bone is still disconnected. Doc wants to see her in three weeks to see if has healed. He said that there really is nothing else we can do. He said they could put a pin in it but it really wouldn't be worth it...
She screamed bloody murder while the nurse took her stitches out and I had to hold her down...boy that was the longest ten minutes of my life...
Both of my daughters have ran fevers today. Steff is on round two. Sadie is finally down for a nap and Steff is laying on the couch burning up yet saying she's cold. I have already given her some ibuprofen so I can't give her anymore for a good 3 hours. I could give her tylenol if we had any but of course we don't...

1 comment:

Veronica Foale said...

I hope they get better soon :)