Thursday, October 11, 2007

The Torture Continues

Okay, so I expect to have two year old antics but it's a real shitty thing when you're cleaning up one mess while she creates another...This would be Steffanie I'm talking about. I had another horrific day. I thought it was a Halloween movie...She did such things as pulling down the shelf in her bedroom, dumping out all the toy bins in one single movement, knocking Sadie over from whatever she happened to be standing up to, dumping any and all substances she could get her hands on, I think you get the point so no need to continue with the list. I could go on but I want to end this blog at some point today.
Of all the things she did yesterday she did one hilarious thing...You see, I created this jello dish that Ryan loves. It's orange jello with fresh raspberries from our raspberry patch. For some reason or other the orange flavor really enhances the flavor of the raspberries and he absolutely loves it. I love that I'm getting rid of the orange jello that has been in my cupboard since Christmas. Well, Ryan made some but he wanted it to set up a little faster than normal so he left the lid off it and just put it in the refrigerator. Steffanie discovered it and every time I turned around she had the fridge open. She'd come tell me that she loves raspberries, "they're delicious" she would say but she never had any evidence that she had been into them. She did this a good 4 or 5 times before she had the evidence all over her face and her hand was red...Yes, she was picking all the raspberries out of the jello. There were little finger prints stuck in the jello. But it was so delicious that she couldn't help herself. It wasn't like I didn't check to see if she was attacking the jello because I did but I guess temptation got the best of her and she picked the juicy red rubies right out. I had to laugh and call Ryan. He found humor in it but he also found sadness for she had attacked his new favorite dish.
Sadie fell victim the raspberry adventure too. She had a red spot and some seeds in her hair when I discovered what Steff had been up to. I can just picture Sadie standing in the fridge next to Steff and a raspberry slipping from Steff's pudgy little fingers and plopping right on top of Sadie's head and then, the best part....Steff picks it out of her hair as to not waste any of the juicy treats and she nonchalantly eats it. It all quite funny.
Kieran's girlfriend dumped him but he didn't act too crushed. Oh...puppy love...He found a new thing to be all gung ho over...their called "Littlest Pet Shop" they are these little animal figurines and they come with some kind of prop. For instance, the cat came with a fish and the bird came with a little swing. He loves them and he has to use his imagination. They don't "do" anything but they are cute. He told me they aren't just for girls, "they're cool." I like 'em cuz they entertained him and kept him from agitating his sister.
Sadie had her first adventure with squished bananas this morning, she's had the stuff in jars but never home squished ones. She liked it in one sense but in the sense of texture I can't be sure of what she was thinking. She kept spitting them out and then putting the bite back into her mouth. She didn't pull any funny faces or anything like that though and she ate quite a bit of it.
Ryan has been back to hating working again. I don't know what to say to him since overtime looks like it's just going to be part of the picture for a long time. He sat there and figured out how soon (or later) it would be before I went back to work. Since Sadie is only 1 it will be a good 5 years before she's in school full time. That really didn't help either.
Wow!!! I just told Steff "no" and she actually listened for a second. Unlike yesterday when she wouldn't even stop what she was doing while she took a moment to give that look that says, "Make me."
It's going to be a long day for the sheer fact that I am hurting. Sometimes it's so depressing to think that I might have this pain for the rest of my life and every person I have talked to says it just gets worse with age. I can get cortisone injections into my hip bursa but there are up sides and down sides to those. Such as relief doesn't always happen or it can take days and if you have too many you end up with scar tissue build up which makes the problem worse. do, to do. I have an appointment this evening with one of the Physician Assistents at the clinic where my doctor practices and an appointment with my doctor on Monday. I'm hoping the PA will help me somehow until Monday.
Well, it's time to go, my house has been destroyed and I need to leave soon. May God smile on you today.


Veronica Foale said...

Oh dear, what a day for you.

Do small children ever sit still?

Rasberries yummmmm. I can see why Steff wanted them. Such a pity that she picked them out of the jello though.

I hope the pain eases a little for you :)

frog ponds rock... said...

mmm I might have to try the raspberries and orange jelly, it sounds nice.. yum..
My husband is in constant pain with his back and hips..
He has prescription painkillers, but he found he was taking more and more
So to cut a long story short he has 2 500mg glucosamine capsules a day as well as 3 1000mg fish oil capsules..These really help him a lot. cheers Kim.