Tuesday, October 23, 2007

It's a Whiny Morning

I added some things to my blog...As you can see I added a picture of Ryan and I in Las Vegas on our honeymoon. Notice my hair is blond...that was the good ole days when we didn't have any whiny children and the wonderful life that we have now.

I also added "our song" from You Tube. I was inspired by my brother in-law and sister in-laws blog to add it. I also have been wanting to hear our song so I've listened to it a dozen or so times. It was never a popular song but we listened to it and both fell in love with it on our second date. So, it stuck. We also listened to it and memorized it on our trip to Arizona when we went to see the Raiders play the Cardinals.

Oh...the wonderful memories we created before we had any kids. I can't believe we've only been married 3 and half years.

Oh...and the reminiscing is ruined by the tears of a two year old...Her foot hurts...She must of stubbed her toe on a toy. The worst part of her crying is that each time she does so does Sadie.

Sadie just crawled in the living room without her pants on. Little Houdini got them off.

I'm gonna be living on my knees in prayer today. It's bound to be a long day...we also have grocery shopping and Kieran gets out of school early today.

I have had a pot and a half of coffee and I still feel tired. My mind is racing and my children are screaming. Oh, boy...I wonder if my brother in-law has his baby hungry wife read this to see what it's really like to have kids...? Of course, if they have a kids and it's a boy I'm off the hook for more. So, part of me understands his hesitance and desire to wait but part of me wants them to get on with it so I can know if I'm having more kids or not.

Sadie keeps screatching...ugh...I'm sick of this day and it's only 9:30 am...If anyone is taking any requests then I need prayers or I'm gonna lose it today. I already feel very over-whelmed. I know Ryan won't be allowed to sleep in today. I'm gonna be knocking the door down in an hour and he's gonna get my wrath if he thinks he's gonna take his sweet time getting out of bed. I love to let him sleep in cuz he's always appreciative of it but we all have to make sacrifices because we have kids.

Steff has learned a new thing...she tattles on Sadie. Whenever Sadie does something she's not supposed to do-like touching the television-Steff tells me about it. I know this is going to be a problem down the road but it's nice to have her little eyes for now.

We're on round two of Cinderella II...Oh...I feel so frustrated with Steff's whining. Part of me wonders if she is still feeling icky cuz she's being more whiny than normal.

We have a possessed toy...the darn thing keeps singing when no one is anywhere near it. I had to get up at 4 this morning and turn it off. Then this morning Steff wanted it back on and neither one of us could get it to work. But, then it just started going on all by itself. Makes you wonder if there really are ghosts...?

Well, Steff has done her daily poop, I've gotten her dressed and she's still whining.
Sadie is in bed for her nap cuz she just kept crying and crying and normally she doesn't do that. I honestly didn't think she'd take a nap but she did. I am feeling tired myself cuz I didn't sleep too well last night. I have gotten back into the habit of sleeping in our bed but for some silly reason last night I tried to sleep in the living room on the couch and I did two things to myself; 1. I slept like crap so I feel tired today and 2. I ended up hurting my right hip. I'm thinking that was a bad idea. I wish I had gone to our bed when I woke up at two am...

Oh...the time is flying...it's only 20 minutes until Ryan gets woke up. Notice I didn't say "out of bed" cuz lets face reality he doesn't get up out of bed right away. Well, accept for when it's to go fishing, golfing or camping. I could let this hurt my feelings but why? I have matured enough to know better.

It's now 10:30 and Steff has fallen asleep so I'm not waking Ryan up until one of the girls wakes up. I'm not crazy. They have been so needy and I don' t need three whiny babies driving me nuts...

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