Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The Happenings of This Morning

Do you see how much of the couch this little girl is taking up? That's my mom attempting to lay on the couch with her but she thinks she needs 2/3 of the blasted thing.
She's so funny. Each time my mother closes her eyes Steff tells her to "wake up." You can really mess with her by simpling closing your eyes.

SO, I went back to sleep for that hour but Steff got up at 6:45 and interrupted my beautiful sleep. I just want to go back to sleep. I'm thinking taking that half of an Ambien was not such a good idea. It usual works out. I guess I asked for it...

I had a hard time going to sleep cuz my back is hurting. I got an email from a fellow blogger and she said her husband has hip and back problems too. He takes glucosamine and fish oil. I'm willing to try anything to get some relief.
I have thought about glucosamine before but that stuff is expensive...I have been taking a multivitamin and I think it's helping somehow but how can you be sure? I mean I feel a little more healthy and not so drab but it's not magical by any means.

So I love my new camera...It's fun to take pictures again. It's got a memory card that holds 1904 pictures. I wouldn't even use that many pictures on a two week vacation to somewhere, anywhere. At least I don't have to worry about filling my memory card up-right?

What a miserable morning this has started out as...I'm feeling pooped, my feet are cold, my nose is stuffy and my back is on fire. There's nothing quite like trying to figure out how to make yourself feel better. No fear though, I took my vitamin, a couple muscle relaxers(not that they work), an ibuprofen, and an Allegra. I am praying for relief from this bodie's hell.

It's official...I'm on a diet. I would love to loose 15 pounds but would be happy with 10. That would take me down to 140 which is a little chunky but not like I am now. Ryan calls me "tubby." It's a good thing I don't take that stuff personal or I could feel really bad about it.
I know his intentions are good, he knows that I'm miserable at this weight so he's just trying to shed some light on it.

I sure love Ryan. I am feeling really in love with him lately and it's wonderful. He came home from work and hung out with me for a few minutes while we watched the news. He's sweet and I know that he accepts my faults and loves me for who I am.
He's always loved me, for 11 years he has wanted me. Do you know how good that makes me feel that I was the one he waited for?

Steff keeps pulling the cotton out of her blanket and stuffing it up her nose. Every time I turn around I have to get the tweezers, pin her down and pull cotton out of the bridge of her tiny nose. I should laugh and one day I will but for now it's just one of those frustrating things mothers deal with.
Everyone is all stuffed up. Kieran was telling me on the way to school that he couldn't breath through his nose, Steff sounds very nasally and she keeps telling me her nose hurts, and my mom said her nose is all stuffed up to. I already said I have a stuffy nose. I wonder what is causing it? I'm thinking the heater's filter needs to be changed again. Guess I better go check it out. Na...I'll have Ryan do it when he gets up. He's really good at doing things like that.
I think the caffeine is starting to kick in. I'm already on pot number two of coffee. Of course, I've had help drinking it.
What a drab morning this's raining cats and dogs and there seems to be no hope for sun either. It's warmer now than it's supposed to be all day. I hope my friends in Australia have a great day since they are going into the better part of the year-Summer. I miss summer already. I thought I was ready for some reprieve from the heat but I'm thinking I was wrong. My next door neighbors have the right idea-head South for the winter. They leave each October and live in St. George til April or May sometime.
I just scheduled Kieran, Steff and Sadie's flu shots. I was lucky enough to get them all on the same day at the same time. Yeah.
Next week is a busy week: Monday Steff gets her stitches out, Nothing on Tuesday so far, Wednesday Ryan has an appt with Dr. E, Thursday I take all three in for their flu shots(oh...boy)which means I'm gonna need Ryan's help to hold Steff down, and Friday is the dreaded cardiology appointment for Steff.
I'm not looking forward to Friday, the rest of the appointments are not big deal but Friday we have to drive to SLC and deal with that hospital that wasn't smart enough to let us know we could sedate Steff in the first place. That goes without saying we have to starve the poor girl so she can be sedated. How in-humane is that? Starving a two year old. She can't have so much as any clear liquids after 7 am. I think it's torture to her and to her parents.

Well, I think I'm gonna jet for now. I'm sure I'll be back when I have more thoughts to share. I know I blog a lot but my house doesn't look bad and my kids are fed, changed and clean. So, I figure it's a healthy outlet. See you soon...

1 comment:

Veronica Foale said...

I am another advocate for glucosamine and fish oil. Trust me, that stuff is amazing.