Saturday, October 6, 2007

Finger Crisis

Wow!!! We had a crisis!!! Last night when Ryan came home Steffanie was excited to see him and we were going out to greet him. Well, Sadie was jetting for the door so I hurried and rushed Steff out the door to shut it...In the process I shut the pinkie finger of her left hand in the part of the door where the hinges are. She was completely calm and told me her finger was stuck. When I freed her hand I found that more than half of the tip was cut off and she was bleeding everywhere. From about the nail bed down, her finger was coming off!!! Once I realized what had happened I started yelling for Ryan and that's when she started crying.
I was in the middle of making dinner and we had Sadie and Kieran home. So, I quickly asked my mom to watch the kids and assumed she'd finish dinner or at least shut it off for me to finish later. Ryan and I rushed off to the emergency room, on the way there Ryan drove with his hazards on and pretty fast. Not crazy, just a little fast. We didn't know what else to do. We were smart enough to put her in her seat belt and I sat in the back with her. She cried for a couple of minutes but about half to the hospital she stopped and was perfectly calm again. Ryan and I were shaking but she was calm and talking about the wind coming in from the window.
When we got to the hospital I dropped Ryan and Steff off at the door and I parked the jeep. After I parked I went into the hospital and they were in triage and Steff was screaming again. They took us right back and then, the waiting began. We spent a total of 3 hours there. Ryan and I felt a little panicked that they needed to get her finger sewed back on so we didn't lose it. They didn't seem as worried and they said it was pink and had good blood flow.
While we were back into the room they gave her an IV and a milligram of morphine. She calmed right down...then they gave her an antibiotic drip and the doc came in and numbed her finger. He warned us that it would hurt and that she'd scream and he was right...A couple of minutes from when he finished her finger was completely numb. They told us they needed to take some x-rays before they could give her stitches. They needed check to see if the bone was broken.
The nurse was cleaning the wound when the x-ray tech came in for her. She was completely calm during the x-rays but they kept contorting her fingers into wild positions that there is no way a 2 year old, let alone an adult could hold their finger. She was a good girl and earned a sucker, a coloring book and crayons and 2 stickers. She liked that she was getting her picture taken and she would say, "Cheese." It turned out that her finger has an itty bitty fracture but nothing to be concerned about.
So, the nurse came back in and finished cleaning her finger. I took a minute and went outside to call my mom to let her know what was going on and to check in on Kieran and Sadie. When I returned the doctor was sewing her finger. He apparently told Ryan that he was confident that the finger would reattach and thus be saved but he couldn't be as confident about the nail. It was completely ripped out of the nail bed, all the way up to where the nail connects under the skin. He tucked it back in and left it up to the Lord.
Once she was sewed up and the nurse bandaged her finger we were discharged and she was ready to go home. Some of the cutest things she's ever done where while we waited for this, that or the other thing. She promoted the nurse...She kept calling the nurse, "doctor." She would say, "thank you, doctor" each time the nurse would do something for her. It was so cute...she had a good time coloring and singing such classics as: Old McDonald, Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star and the ABC's. She also played Peek A Boo with the nurse. Each time the nurse would leave she'd ask for the doctor and then when the nurse would come back in to the room she'd say, "Peek A Boo." She really was adorable.
This was the most serious of all the accidents any of my children has ever been in. And, it was the most gut wrenching of all the things that have happened to any of my children. Ryan and I both felt so helpless and bad. I felt responsible and Ryan even at one point blamed himself for not being home on time because the situation would have been different and she wouldn't have been in that place at that time. We're in a better place now and just praying for total healing. Take it from me...we will both be a lot more cautious of little fingers being in doors.

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