Monday, October 15, 2007

A Good Weekend

The weather was nice on Sunday but because I have had Ryan home to spend time with it has been wonderful. Kieran also came home from his grams nice and early so we had him home to spend time with. The girls enjoyed having their dad and brother home at the same time.

Kieran and I took a jaunt to Walmart to get a few prescriptions and while we were there we picked up a couple of birthday gifts for Miss Sadie. Kieran picked out a See 'n' Say, and this little cat critter that shakes and meows when you pull its string. He's going to be giving her the See 'n' Say and he picked out the cat critter for Steff to give her. He also purchased a $10 gift card for her-all on his own. He took the money out of his savings account and he picked out the card design. He's so excited to give her something that he came up with on his own. You could just tell he was pleased with himself and proud to be using his money for someone else. I think he's a total sweet heart and this moment reminded me that his dad and I haven't done such a bad job.

Lately Steff has been saying, "I can't" when she runs into something that she finds hard to do. I'm still trying to figure out if she picked it up from one of us or from show on Sprout. I think she got it from this show with a four year whiny little boy. I don't particularly like this particular program because of the stuff she has picked up in the past. The other thing that she has been saying is, "why." Again, I think she got it from the whinny four year old. Both are kind of cute but I wonder if she knows what she is saying or if she simply believes that the situation warrants these expressions?

Sadie is doing okay, the relief from bruises didn't last long because she has one on her left cheek. She is so accident prone or she's so fair skinned that each and every bruise is like a badge of honor or a red flag. She was very happy when she woke up Sunday morning but by afternoon she was doing that crawling around and crying while playing thing she does. It's sad but it's so funny, she literally will be crying while crawling around and playing with this or that...It's as if she's trying to get herself into a good mood.
One of her latest cute things is that she notices when you have food and she turns into a begging little puppy. She crawls over, stands up and tries to grab your plate or bowl. So, when you eat anything you have to know you will be sharing with Sadie. And, there isn't anything she won't eat.

Ryan and I are doing well. Yesterday(Sunday), I was full of piss and vinegar. I kept teasing him and he thought I was being least, until he saw the smile on my face.
This weekend we were able to spend time together as a family and as a couple we got to go birthday shopping for Sadie. My mom came upstairs and watched the kids for us so we could go. I thought that was nice of her to let us have an hour of alone time.
I remember the first time we got out as a couple without any kids after Sadie had been born. We just ran to Walmart for a few things and Ryan was running around and jumping like a marsupial all over the store. I remember asking him what was going on and he said something about it being the first time we'd gotten out of the house together since Sadie was born and he was excited. He hasn't acted that way since...

Wow, today the girls slept in. Sadie got up about 8:30 and Steff got up about 15 minutes later. It was nice to have a few moments to myself before they both woke up and started their daily antics. Sadie woke up in an excellent mood and Steff woke up in a less docile mood than usual. She kept asking to watch cartoons, then it was Sesame Street and while it was on she told me she wanted "Sesame Street." I tried to reason with her that that was what she was watching but until they showed something she was familiar with she could not be reasoned with.

I am hoping my doctor's appointment goes well today. It's that time of year again-girls, if you know what I mean...? I hate these appointments as much as the next but they are part of life. I also get a back adjustment. Dr. E will crack my back and put my neck back into place. hurts so good. I love this doctor...he can do need to have a Chiropractor or a Psychiatrist or an OB, cuz he does it all. He even wrote a book about depression. The book helped Ryan see that depression is something you cannot change but it has medications to help you. He even learned that he suffers from a mild form of it himself. It was really nice to have him understand what I go through.

Steff just got into the raspberries in the jello-again.......She has been into using my utensils and pots and pans and bowls and "making dinner." I guess she really wanted to use some real food to cook with. And, you'd think I would learn and put a lid on it. No...that would take to much effort and brains.

Sadie is being cute as a button this morning. She has been playing with this Build-A-Bear monkey that my mother in-law got for Steff when she got her finger hurt. Steff likes the monkey too but Sadie loves it...Every time she sees it she quickly crawls to it and plops her face on it and makes some of the cutest noises. Ryan and I also have fun playing with it. It records things and plays them back for you. Ryan has a great monkey impression he does so he is usually seen making ape noises into it and playing them back. He does these ape noises perfectly too.

I just looked at the clock and realized I need to leave in just over an hour so maybe I'll be back with more stories...?
Have a great day and a wonderful week...until next time...

1 comment:

Veronica Foale said...

Sounds like you have had a mostly good week!