Thursday, October 25, 2007

Another Day, Another Moment or Two

I am not quite awake yet and the demands have started....Steff wants her bottle(yes, we are lazy parents), then her blankie, then her pillow(or as she puts it, "pee-yo") and the demands have kept coming. She's usually docile in the morning but she is being a little more needy today. I hope she gets this out of her system and she doesn't just get worse...
Sadie woke up during the composition of the last paragraph and she is in a great mood.

Kieran really enjoyed playing at Braxton's house last night and I think I've found a new coffee buddy. I like this idea. It would be nice to spend time away from my kids with someone else who has kids. Braxton's mom seems like my kind of people...
Kieran went to Braxton's scout meeting and he came home saying he wants to join scouts...I think that would be a good idea...I know Ryan learned a lot of survival techniques during all the years he was in scouts...
Kieran and Braxton are working on playing again-soon. They were talking about doing it as soon as tomorrow but his mom and I said that we'd have to work something out for next week. It so funny the way kids want to do things immediately.
I'm happy Kieran has another friend (besides the little monster across the street) and he seems like he comes from a good family, one with values and standards....

So both of my daughters have taken their first poop of the day and my house smells very icky...
Oh well, at least we have round one out of the way. The stench will eventually dissipate.

Kieran argued this morning about taking a shower so I told him that if he wasn't going to do what I wanted him to do then he wasn't going to be able to do what he wanted the next time he asked me. It worked...he's in the shower and hopefully washing his body and hair like he is supposed to. That was part of the argument. He said that he was just going to get in and rinse off and then get out. I remained calm when I told him he was going to wash his hair and body or he wasn't going to be able to do what he wanted. . .

My mom is at it again...Her headache's gone though, at least for now.
She has been seeing this married man for 10 or so years and his wife called her the other day and told her to leave him alone. Well, when the wife called she also informed my mom that he'd been in a car accident. So, what does my mom do? She turns her cell phone off. She doesn't even care if he's okay. But she's also mad at him for not getting her car registered so she can legally drive it. The guy has done more about her car than she has and she is mad at him for not getting it done fast enough. I have to admit I think she's being a b*?#@& about the whole thing... She constantly tells this guy he's a liar and doesn't do anything for her but she doesn't do anything for him either. I think she needs to quit trying to use him and end the whole thing.
I don't know if I can handle hearing what a horrible person he is and that as soon as he does this or that for her she's going to end it. She is just hanging on to see what she can get out of him...She makes me sick.
You must understand something about my mom...She's damn near 50 and she has nothing to show for her life. Her car doesn't run(it sits in our drive way collecting cobwebs), she has no retirement set up, she doesn't own anything worth any value and she spends all her money before Monday rolls around then she uses me and Ryan as lines of credit to buy the things she needs. I get so sick of taking care of my mother. I am raising her...How do you tell a grown woman with very sensitive feelings that she needs to grow up?
She has been seeing this new guy and part of me feels bad for him. He has no idea what kind of person she is and when he finds out he's also gonna find out he wasted a lot of time on her. Don't get me wrong I love my mom, she is my mom after all, but I really don't like her actions and I think her values are messed up. I do a lot a praying for her cuz she really needs God's guidance. I just don't know what to do.
Just this morning she told me she was going to ask Danny(the new guy) if he will insure her car for her...What kind a person asks someone they have only been seeing for a couple of weeks to do something like that. She wants him to insure it because she has to carry an SR22 because she let her insurance lapse and got pulled over and then to make matters worse she let the ticket turn in to a warrant so she ended up in jail. I of course, bailed her out that time. But she has to carry this SR22 for two years and they cost a lot of money. So, instead of facing her responsibilities she is looking for a way out of them....
That's enough of her, she drives me crazy. Boy, it's gonna suck for her when she has to move out of our house and she has to support herself....

My daughters are being pretty decent this morning. Which is code for now they are going to be sh*ts because I commented on how good they are being.

I am waiting for a call from that lady at PCMC to see if we can work this whole sedation thing out. If they won't do it then I will take her somewhere where they will sedate her...Or at least give her something to calm her down.

I saw my mother in-law yesterday and we talked for about a half an hour. I really like my mother in-law. I got lucky to have such a neat person be a part of my life. I thank the Lord for her all the time. She's the kind of person you can talk to about anything. She's a therapist so she has heard it all.

I'm feeling tired still....I think I'm gonna go lay on the couch and watch my daughters do their thing for a while.

I'm back at it again...It's 10 am now. While I was being lazy I received a message from the cardiology department at PCMC and they said that the reason Dr. Mart didn't want to sedate Stef is because the defect they are looking at is so small that he didn't see a need for her to be sedated and that they could just look at it without sedation. She then went on to say they rescheduled her for sedation and to show up at 8:30 and that the nurse would call later with instructions for her diet...I'm glad they decided to see it my way.

I have been trying to get Ryan up and he's not cooperating. He even layed in bed and listened to Sadie scream for 30 minutes...That's how bad he hates to get out of bed. He would rather try to sleep through a crying baby than just get up...I just went in and tried to get him up again. I'm sure it won't be the last time...
I went in again but that is the last time. If he thinks he needs sleep that bad then I'll let him have it....
Holy Smokes!!! Ryan actually got out of bed. You could have pushed me over with a feather. If I had to name one thing I don't like about my husband his sleeping habits would be it. I hate how he sleeps and sleeps and sleeps. He says he can't help it but I think it's a cop out and that if he wanted to change his behavior he could...I used to drink like a fish but I quit. It wasn't easy but I did it.

Ryan has left for work, Steff is watching Vegetales, and Sadie just woke up from her nap and is sitting on my lap jumping....The girls are still being good. I think Steff even feels better today than she did yesterday and the day before...
I sure love my little family. They are the greatest joys of my life. I don't know what I'd do without any one of them. Praise to the Lord for all he has blessed me with.......

1 comment:

Veronica Foale said...

My partner is like that, he would sleep 24hrs straight if I let him.

Plus he can sleep through anything.