Saturday, October 20, 2007

Just Stuff...

There is so much to say and so little time to say it this morning. I should be getting my house in order for Sadie's birthday party but alas here I sit, blogging...Maybe I'm addicted or maybe I just want to let the world of people that read my blog know that they aren't alone in all the craziness of raising a family. You know who you are...

Here are the latest events...
Sadie's appointment went well. She ended up getting four shots-poor baby girl. Gotta keep her from getting those childhood diseases though. She weighed in at a whopping 19 pounds 7 ounces. For all my friends around the world that don't use the system good ole America uses...that means she weighed about right on target for one year old. (I think she's about 8.3 kilograms but let me know if that sounds right...) She has grown a little since her last appointment...she is in the 20th percentile for her height and weight. She's into a size 9 months now. Hehehe, she's so little.
She can now have whole milk-hooray!!! No more formula...
Oh...and Ryan's back to having no more kids so if that sticks(don't hold your breath, he really hates the idea of losing the 'Kelstrom' name) then we don't ever have to buy any more ever...
This appointment was the big appointment that you wait for all year. The one where they no longer sit in a carrier type car seat and they don't drink formula any longer. I love that first year appointment..
My sister stayed with us last night to help me out. She loves little kids and she knows how to handle them well so it has been a breeze. I don't want to give her back to my parents. I like having a 12 year old to help me out.
My son has enjoyed having her here but, he was a wee bit disappointed this morning when she told him she would be helping me and not playing with him most of the day.
They both slept in the living room. Kieran on the floor(such a gentleman) and Mady on the couch.
Steff is being pretty good today. I ain't holding my breath though cuz she's not going to get a nap. Hang on for later cuz I'm sure I'll have a horror story...
I better go so I can get my home in order...

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