Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Torture by Children

So, last night was torture of mom night. My children successfully gave me a massive headache with all their antics. Kieran was being sassy, Steff was in to everything and torturing both of her siblings, and Sadie was crawling around whining. Bed time came awfully early last night which meant wake up time came early today. I thought I was going to lose my mind. I actually called Ryan at one point and told him if things didn't get better soon he was going to have to come home and open a can of whoop ass. Which is funny in and of itself since I'm the disciplinary parent and he's the softy.
Other than having the evening from hell things have been interesting. Steffanie has been finding anything that will hold her weight for even a short period of time so she can pull this, that or the other thing off the counter top and spill it and then she of course, plays in her mess. You can't even leave a cup of juice or in my case, coffee sitting within reach or she gets it and dumps it on the floor. I must mop several times a day.
Sadie has been pretty good, all but last night. She usually just crawls around and plays. She's a far cry from the colicky baby she was when she got here.
Kieran has been a little off for a few days. He's been super demanding and even more dramatic than usual. For instance, he couldn't find his BB gun refill and I suggested he'll just have to wait til we get to the store and buy some more. That's when he stated something to effect of that not happening for a million years. I don't understand why he says things that are so completely impossible. If anyone has any ideas of how to teach him the correct time and space then email me those ideas...I can't figure it out.
Ryan has been staying at work til close to five in the morning this week so he's been sleeping until at least noon. I have to do this whole parenting thing virtually by myself for quite a long period of time. Then to boot, he wakes up and within and hour or so he's getting ready for work again...I'm so frustrated.
Lately I have been waking up at 3 or 4 in the morning and then I'm not able to go back to sleep til after 5. I hate this not sleeping thing. I thought it was bad enough that I sleep on the couch every night because I can't get comfortable in our bed. Now this....I feel so deprived of sleep, no wonder last night was the night from hell. I sure hope tonight goes good or I'm sending my kids to their rooms for an indefinate amount of time.
I think I'm just having a bout of the blues...I haven't been sleeping well, Ryan has been sleeping late so I don't get to spend as much time with him, my kids have been stinkers, and the bursitis in my hips has been bad lately, not to mention that I have a pinched nerve in my back. I'm falling apart at 29. Boy, I can't wait to see what 50 has in store...
This week we are done having kids at least that is the conclusion Ryan has come to. His reason this week is that he doesn't want to be working over time forever and kids are expensive. Hang on to your pants though I'm sure he'll change his mind back again. I've decided to just go with the flow and take what he says with a grain of salt. I figure we'll be done having kids when he takes the initiative to get a vasectomy...
To give you an example of the things Steffanie has been up to lately...she just took off her diaper...and started shaking her bottle so that milk was spilling out everywhere!!! I've had it with two year old antics...I need a break!!!
Well, I have prayers to say in hopes the Lord takes mercy on me and guides my children in the ways of being nice to their mother. I hope things are better for my readers than they are for me these days......

1 comment:

Veronica Foale said...

What a day you had!

I can relate to the working. Nathan works night shift so he is gone all night and asleep for a good portion of the day.

It is very very hard, especially with Amy not sleeping.

I think you did an amazing job not killing your kids (or sticking them in timout for an hour).