Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Today's Events...

Things are going pretty well...Steff didn't get out of bed until 11:30 am...That is the latest she has ever slept in. I was actually starting to worry about her so I went in to check on her and she was laying in her bed with her eyes wide open...

I just filed my artificial nails off and let me just tell you typing is not very easy anymore. You would think that having nails would make it harder but I've had nails on since I was 12 years old and I'm 29 so I almost feel disabled...

Things are kinda quiet right now. It's 5pm and Sadie is laying down for a nap, Steff is sitting with my mom, and Kieran is at Braxton's house playing until 6pm. I'm actually kinda bored. It's weird when it's quiet around here. I almost don't know what to do with myself. I of course figured out that blogging was a good idea.

I have come to the conclusion that I really have a hard time trying to get Steff to listen and follow directions. If anyone has any ideas of what I can do to get her to cooperate that would be wonderful of you to share with me. I have tried being really nice, time out, raising my voice and bargaining and she just won't do things unless she wants to.
She is so funny cuz she pretty much runs the show but she has excellent manners. She says please, thank you, you're welcome and all the like but she does as she pleases. . .
I also would like it if you have any ideas of how I can get her to eat. . .She only eats a few little things a day and there is nothing besides pickles that she will always eat. . .
I worry about her. She has pretty much maintained her weight but she hasn't gotten any heavier in spite of the fact that she has gotten taller. It kinda worries me that she may also be malnutritioned. We give her a multivitamin each day in hopes that that will make up for some of the nutrients that she is not getting through food sources. Any ideas???

My mom has yet another headache...Are you surprised? Me neither...I don't know what to do sometimes. She is such a helpful person in so many ways but she always has something wrong. I don't know if she is looking for sympathy or if she really is that messed up that something is always wrong. I tell her to go to the doctor but she says she's fine. Kinda makes me think it's all in head or an excuse to not help me. I mean crap, all she has to do is say that she's not in the mood to help me or that she's tired from her day at work and I'd let her go downstairs and just relax for the night but no....instead she tries to play on my sympathy bone and get her way that way....Grrrr....I know that sometimes I wish she'd just move out so that we can have our entire house to ourselves. She is getting to the point where she is less and less helpful. I could have her come over if I needed her help if she moved out....
She's dating a new guy and I'm hoping things work out and she moves in with him. That would be a dream come true...I know I shouldn't feel so negative towards her but her constant illnesses get me down and I get sick of babying her....

So, I just talked to my sister in-law and my nephew doesn't have the chicken pox he has strep throat! I'm so glad she called to let me know. I guess the next step is to make all three of my kids appointments to get throat cultures done. . .

I just received the most irritating voice message from some lady name Marie at PCMC(Primary Children's Medical Center) stating they are not going to sedate Steff for her Echo...I called and left her message letting her know that the whole reason we were going to have her sedated was because we tried to do the Echo once already and all Steff did the whole time was scream. The doctor apparently doesn't want to sedate her but he's the one who said to reschedule her with sedation. I guess we're just a number after all and he doesn't recall being the one to order sedation. I am so irritated...
I called and left this Marie lady a message stating the whole reason she was to have it done with sedation in the first place...I suggested she call me back so that we could talk this out. I'm sure I'll have more information on this topic later.

Wow, I just feel like doing something...I'm sick of staying home. Today has been a long day. Ryan went in to work early so I didn't have his company today...

I just got off the phone with the pediatrician's office and apparently Steff could still be reacting to the flu shot. So, her runny nose and fever could be the flu shot. And, it takes 5-7 days before a test will show up positive for strep....I'm sure you'll hear more about this too.

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