Saturday, October 20, 2007

Getting Things Done

Okay, my house just needs the finishing touches...vacuuming, dusting, bathroom, things put away...sounds like a lot but it's only about 45 minutes of work. My mom went to take a nap and then she said she'd come upstairs and clean my house.
Hopefully everyone has figured out that my mother lives with us. She dwells in the basement most of the weekend and comes up in the evenings during the week to help me out. I could do it without her but I also appreciate all her help. It's nice to have adult interaction.

It's been a while since I started this section of blog and a lot has changed....I have finished my house all but the bathroom, made all the food and dilly dallied around.
Wow am I feeling tired. I just want to lay down and take a nap. All this cleaning is wearing me out not to mention it's really bad for my health.

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