Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Screaming and Teasing...

Wow!!! I said this night was going smooth and I was wrong...Steff keeps screaming and Kieran keeps teasing her....Grrrr...
I am so fet up with Steff's screaming. I don't know why she does it so much. I know we are in general loud people but whew, this is rediculous.

I am so tired and I'm ready for it to be 9pm...That's when Steff and Kieran go to bed. I am hoping and praying for peace from now (8:25) til then. It can be done because it has happened before.

My brother in-law has been reading our blog and he says he's starting to know what it's like to be me. I wonder what my life looks like from someone else's perspective? I probably look cracked out and crazy. Which I do feel crazy and it's a good thing I'm on good meds.
I just thought about thoughts are pretty random and their is always something going on with my children(especially Steffanie).

I need to go into the kitchen and be inspired to make a cheese cake. I told Ryan I would probably make it for him since he loves goodies and we are running low on them. Grocery shopping isn't until Tuesday and we didn't do so good with the vittals. It seems like we are running short on food or maybe I'm just too lazy to get up and cook.
My poor kids eat a lot of frozen foods and canned foods. I'm not much of cooker and it's not because I don't like to cook, because I really do like's the cleaning that I can't stand. I hate to do dishes more than once a day.

I can tell it's getting late. I'm starting to really hurt and the muscle relaxers and ibuprofen aren't doing their job. I'm sure anyone with some kind of chronic pain knows what it's like to go on through the day. I wake up feeling a little stiff and then I loosen up until it's gets close to bed time...then I'm back to being stiff.

1 comment:

Veronica Foale said...

I hope they stayed nice for you until bedtime.

You don't seem crazy at all. Promise.