Thursday, December 27, 2007

This Week

This week has been wonderful. I have had Ryan home for five days. I can't think of any better Christmas gift than having my wonderful husband and best friend home for this long. I could kiss his boss for giving them paid time off for Christmas. I'm just kidding but I do appreciate it immensely.
Christmas was good day for me. Ryan had a hard time and said it sucked because he was so tired that he couldn't enjoy the morning while the kids' were opening their gifts. He said he was just too tired to want to do anything but sleep. I have to be honest when he first said it sucked I was a bit on the defensive. I couldn't understand what made him say such a rotten thing about the day our Saviour was born. But, then he explained how he didn't get to enjoy watching the kids open their gifts. I wasn't so butt hurt after he explained it.
Kieran told me tonight that he got everything he wanted and that the air soft riffle that he wanted wasn't really that big of a want. I thought it was cute. He explained to me that it was one of those things that he thought he wanted and that he does want but not for Christmas. It was so funny. He could have just told me that he got almost everything he wanted. I loved the conversation though.
Steff had been being such a good girl for most of today. That is, until she took a short nap and since then she's been a stinker and super whiny...I actually camcorded her being a brat. I was taping Say taking a bath and Steff came in and proceeded to through a fit because she wanted to take a bath and thus, I turned that camcorder on her and away I taped her fit. That will be good blackmail later in life...
Sadie has been a little spitting machine today. But, just a second ago Ryan read an email and was laughing really hard and Sadie bust up laughing too. It was cute. Right now, she it spitting...and spitting and spitting. She keeps doing that raspberry thing that babies do. She's been doing it all day and to add to the mix she's had a runny nose and so every now again we have to wipe her whole face because she's covered in spit and snot.
Kieran is cleaning his room. He keeps coming up and giving us updates on what he's done and how well he's doing. I have to admit, I'm proud of him for taking pride in his room. Yeah, it's gotten dirty here and there and it was a wreck when Ryan went down to fix his television and Ryan of course, told him to get it cleaned up. He wasn't too happy but I asked him the other day if it was clean and he told me it was. I should have known better than to believe that he'd gotten all his Christmas stuff put away and cleaned up the boxes but I took his word for it. Silly mother I am, I am...
Well, it's time to be lazy again. I have nothing really pressing to do. I have a clean house...which is usually where I spend my time. So, time to go be lazy with my husband

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