Saturday, December 1, 2007

Enjoyed Wrapping Gifts

Well, I wrapped Christmas presents and listened to Christmas music but I'm bored now. I guess I could clean my house but who wants to do that? I know it wouldn't take much since there isn't a whole lot that still needs to be done. Ryan and I did a quick pick up and vacuum job last night before bed. That always helps when it's time to really get down and dirty. Really, the only things that need to be done are the bathroom and the kitchen floor needs to be mopped.
I am home with my kids all by myself today and surprisingly, it hasn't been as bad as I thought it would be. Of course, Steff didn't get up until 10:30 and Sadie took a 2 hour nap.
I don't know how it happened but I was able to get Sadie down for her nap before Steff got up and Kieran was outside playing-So, I had about an hour and half of peace and quiet. If I were smart I would have taken a shower, since those are always delayed and interrupted. I didn't though, I figured I took a bath yesterday and I haven't done anything to get dirty.
I am feeling like a nap would be nice but I'm not even hoping that's going to happen. Especially since Steff slept so late and Sadie has already taken one.
Steff is full of it today. While I was out in the garage getting the gifts I was going to wrap she got into my plant's dirt, again and then she took her soup and spilled it all over the couch. I thank my mother in-law each and every time something gets spilled...Why? She bought me a slip cover for Christmas a couple years ago and it has really saved our couch from many things.
Sadie is being her normal self right now. She's just sittin on the floor playing with a book she got for her birthday and watching a little tv here and there. Sometimes I wish all my kids were as mellow and content as she is, then there are times when I'm glad they are all different in personality. It sure keeps me busy and life interesting.
Ryan will be home soon but he's planning on going back in once the kids are in bed. I hate that he has to go back into work. He's getting so burned out and he is really looking forward to being off work the week of Christmas. I am looking forward to it too. We were talking about redoing our dinning room that week. I asked for paint for Christmas, of course I've asked for a lot of things, or I should say, I've given Ryan a lot of ideas of what he can get me.
I think I'm going to go and finish my house and hang out with my daughters for a little while.

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