Thursday, December 6, 2007

Pizza for Breakfast

SO I'm a horrible mother, I gave my daughter a pizza pocket for breakfast. I don't really know if that qualifies me as a bad mom or if that just means I gave her what I knew she would eat. She was asking for breakfast and saying she wanted a pizza pocket. What's a mom to do?
Sadie has been her usual self this morning...Playing and crawling around. Maybe today she'll do something exciting and I can blog about it later??? She's just such a good little girl...Last year at this time we were dealing with a colicky newborn so this really is a treat. Christmas will be much more pleasant with her being a happy baby.
I am still so excited for Christmas. I am excited for the stocking stuffers right now but that's all Santa has been able to take care of so far. I want to fill them and see everyone's faces when they get their goodies.
So, far this morning we've started watching Caillou. The whiny four year old, that I cannot stand...I made a mistake and Steff has now discovered that I can play certain shows whenever she wants. I discovered the "On Demand" button and she loves to watch Caillou, Berenstain Bears and Jakers...Over, and over and over...again and again. We've seen all the episodes they have available a number of times. But, I read somewhere that kids, especially Steff's age like the comfort of repetition. I wish they liked new things...of course, it is nice being able to put the same thing on and know that she will be content instead of having to find something new each time she wants to watch a movie. So, yeah, I can't make up my mind which is worse...

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