Sunday, December 2, 2007

And, She Cleans

I actually broke down and cleaned most of my house. I know, it's a miracle...Hey, the kids were entertained and I had a burst of energy, what else can I say?
I know I said it's been a lazy day but I went and visited with my mom for about an hour and when I came home I felt nice and refreshed...Of course, I stopped at Starbucks and got Ryan and I our favorite coffee, so that was a nice treat to my energy level.
My mom was over at Danny's house, and has been since Friday night.
We're hoping she'll move in soon...
I doubt it though, that would make our house allllll ours and a dream come true...Her car wouldn't be parked on the side of our house any longer, we'd have a nice living room, a room for the computers, and a family room. Oh...we can't wait for that day...

The kids are being pretty good. Sadie is in her jumper, jumping away, Kieran and Steff are playing together nicely and Ryan is on his computer playing a video game and getting some time away from it all...

I am sincerely proud of myself for cleaning my house. All I have left to do is touch up the bathroom and vacuum...Not much left to do and where am I? Blogging....
I guess I better go get on the cleaning thing again and get it over with....

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