Friday, December 14, 2007

Oh...My Hip!!!

I am hurting today something fierce. My hip hurts so bad that I'm almost in tears. I have tried heat and ice on it and the heat makes it hurt worse and the ice helps a little. I wish there was a quick fix to this. I know I could probably go into the doctor for a cortisone shot but I've heard they take days to start working. I also read that they can cause even more problems that require surgery to fix. That's something I'd like to avoid if possible.
I would take an Ultram but I'm out. Fresh out. I can't even muster up the gumption to do anything constructive. Matter of fact, sitting here at my computer is quite excruciating but, I'm bored and couldn't think of anything else to do.

I hope those of you who have been reading this blog have been reading our family blog also. I try to just update that one with info on the family and nothing personal. I figured I'd use this one as a place to express my feelings...Maybe that's not a great idea but I love journaling and I can type faster than I write...

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