Thursday, December 20, 2007

Getting More Excited

I am still getting more and more excited for Christmas. I don't know if it's because this is the first year Steff will be opening her gifts with excitement or if I am pleased with what we've done for Kieran-or maybe it's both. I do know that if I'm excited this year, next year is going to be a real treat since Sadie will be into the whole gift opening thing and Steff will be able to start to understand what Christmas is all about.
I have been thinking about taking my children to church. Ryan agrees it would be good for them and that they need to learn how to pray and who Jesus is. I thought he'd be against me taking them to my church but he's not at all. He thinks it would be good for Steff to socialize with other children and learn how to sit still and "do" things.
I remember when Kieran was 4 he said the sweetest thing and I started crying. It was Easter and I had gone to pick him up from the nursery and his teacher said, "It is true," and Kieran yelled in his little voice, "He is alive!" To this day that was the sweetest thing he's ever said...Now the funniest thing he ever said was right after Christmas the first year Ryan and I were together...He said, "I got everything I wanted for Christmas...Cuz Santa's cool like that." Ryan and I cracked right up and to this day, we still laugh about it.
Steff says equally funny things. Lately she's been asking for "some sanity." One day she was telling me she was hungry and wanted some food and I looked at her and told her I wanted some sanity. So now, whenever she's hungry she asks for some sanity...Or just out of the blue she'll ask for some.
I can hardly wait to hear Sadie start talking. She has been doing a new thing...she's been squealing. she'll be sitting on the floor, watching Sprout and she'll squeal. It's cute and much different than the "ho-ing" she usually does or that she used to do. She's also saying "mama" and "dada" much more. I think she's starting to put the names to the faces. Kieran wants us to teach her "bubu" for brother.

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