Thursday, December 13, 2007

Step Mom

My step mom stopped by this morning. It always nice when she comes by. I just adore her so very much. She's always been very honest and straight forward with me and with everyone else for that matter. She's a straight shooter. She'll tell you like it is, whether you like it or not. But, it's always a fresh point of view and you always know how she feels.
We just talked about family stuff for the most part. Like what my siblings are up to and how they should change some of things they are doing. They also need to grow and realize that their parents aren't out to get them, they are simply trying to save them from grief. I know it took me into my mid to late twenties before I started realize what a great woman my dad married. I learned to love that woman with every part of my being and, it's not hard. She's just such a great person. Hell, she has to be to put up with my dad for as long as she has.
My kids love her too. Sadie cries every time she starts to walk toward the door to leave. And, Kelly loves that. I would too, if I were a grandparent. She's a good grandma too. She loves my kids and sometimes they have the opportunity to brighten her day. Like she was telling me, Kieran had called for something or other and he just out of the blue told her that he loved her. She needed it that day and it helped her feel much better.
Steff just asked "where gram ma go?" I told her to work and she repeated me. Of course, she then barked at me that she wanted some juice...Kids are funny.

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