Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Getting Ready

I have a nail appointment today. I'm so excited to have Christmas nails. . .I guess that's probably something obvious since all I can talk about is how excited for Christmas I am. I don't know what I'll have her do, maybe red tips. I tried that once and loved it. I thought they'd drive me crazy but I really liked having such a vibrant color on my nails.
I was just getting ready for my appointment. I actually took a bath, washed my hair, did my makeup and did my hair. Can you believe it.? I am dressed to kill or at the very least a blind man would be happy to see me.
It was a circus while I got ready. My daughters were running and crawling all over the place. I had to take a book away from Sadie before she annihilated it and Steff was in to all my kitchen utensils. It was interesting to say the least. Ya know I have to keep up with Steff or she'll wreck my house. Sadie was equally destructive this time. She kept picking up toys and throwing them everywhere. I have to admit it was funny but the outcome isn't so nice.
I really enjoyed getting ready to go somewhere. I rarely wear makeup or do my hair anymore. I feel bad for my husband. He says he likes that I don't have to wear makeup but I feel bad. Poor guy doesn't have a wife that gets all dolled up for him anymore. I'm just so wrapped up in kids that I don't have time for myself and I don't have the energy to do my hair and makeup.
I know it won't always be this way. One day they will be in school and I will have time to myself to shower and stuff. Then maybe my darling husband will have a wife that gets beautiful for him...
Right now my daughters are docile. Steff is sitting on the couch watching Sesame Street and Say is in bed. I will be attempting to wake Ryan here in about 15 minutes. Notice I said, "attempt?" He went to bed about 4 and I'm sure it took a few minutes for him to fall asleep. I know he has to work late to get the overtime hours but it really sucks that he gets home so late because he has to sleep into the afternoon so much. I wish he were like me and could live on 5 or 6 hours without any problem. But, he's not...he has to have at least 7 hours of sleep or there is no light on.
I'm now sitting here enjoying that I can blog about me and life in general because I created a blog for our family. It's You should check it out. . .I'm hoping Ryan and Kieran will make appearance here and there and give a little insight into how they see life in this family. It would be nice to hear about Ryan's thoughts. I've probably already blogged about this but it's still so new and I'd like people to read it...

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